Friday, October 26, 2012

May 23, 1953 A Wonderful Time, A Huge Picnic, Yellow as a Canary and Potato Salad for 24

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"It's bedtime actually but we have been to a Sunday School picnic and just got the kids in bed.  We were supposed to go to the park but it poured rain most of the day so we had it in the church basement.  After we ate we all played games together--little kids and all.  Then they showed a short movie of a circus.  We all had a wonderful time.  I have been asked to teach a Sunday School class next fall but haven't decided yet whether I should or not.  I guess it would be one way of getting the kids in Sunday School regularly.

Tuesday night we went to a picnic at school for the whole grade school and families.  There were about 1100 there.  It was a huge picnic but went off in fine shape.  Each grade had its own table and brought its own food.  I took potato salad for 24 servings. 

I am chairman of a picnic for the whole Education department and families which will be the last of June.  That will be a lot of work but I couldn't very well refuse when I was asked.  No matter how much you want to say "no", sometimes you can't.

Bob's room is all painted--yellow as a canary.  It looks real pretty and he is so thrilled with it.  I got him a new brown bedspread and that made the room look neater, too.  I hope to get the chipped spots on the woodwork touched up soon and then I won't care if I don't get the other little things, like furniture waxed, done or not.

We've been working in the yard and have quite a few flowers out.  Maybe they'll look better than the bare spots where the grass wouldn't grow.  Bob even let me use some of his Missouri rocks to put around the edge of the flower beds.

Take care of yourselves.  Our vacation is not long off so we'll see you before long."

                Lots of love,


NOTE:  I couldn't resist the ad above from the U.S. Brewer's Foundation, Feb. 1953 McCall's.  The caption reads, "Mother's Night Off".   A family story (which I have no idea is fact or fiction) is that Grandmother (Bonnie's mother) wrote to the Ladies Home Journal complaining of a full-page alcohol ad. and believes that she was responsible for its removal the next month.  Apparently she didn't subscribe to McCall's.

Bonnie's Potato Salad for 24

Gently boil about 10 lbs. potatoes in salted water until fork tender, but not mushy.  Peel and cut into 1" cubes.  Add the following, in any quantity desired:  Sweet or dill pickle relish, finely chopped yellow onion, sliced celery, celery seed and onion powder.  Prepare a dressing of mustard, mayo, salt and pepper and pour over potato mixture.  Stir gently.  Add several chopped hard-boiled eggs, chopped fresh parsley and salt to taste.  Refrigerate overnight and stir before serving.  Sprinkle with crisp, crumbled bacon just before serving.


  1. I love that ad and it is even better with the story.

  2. I was hoping someone would appreciate that--and I knew it would be you!


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