Saturday, September 15, 2012

February 23, 1952 The Company, The Snow, The Coffee Hour, Dollar Day and Molasses Lace Cookies

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"We had company last night so I didn't get this written and since yesterday was Washington's birthday we didn't get any mail.  Your letter almost always comes on Fri.

It is snowing this morning and B has to take a car full of people to a meeting in St. Louis. They will leave at 1:00 this afternoon and come back tonight.  The meeting begins at 8:00 tonight so they will probably get back in time for breakfast.

The Faculty Women had a coffee hour on Wed. afternoon.  I was a hostess (with 13 others) and had to bake cookies to take.  I made some lace cookies from a recipe in the Good Housekeeping cookie cookbook that you gave me.  They were pretty but so very much trouble.  I have tried a few of the recipes in that Good Housekeeping group but none of them have been worth keeping.

Thurs. was Dollar Day in Bloomington.  This is a big sales day and people line up to wait for the stores to open.  I took the children and went down.  They were so good and I had good luck.  I got myself a winter hat--black velvet--for $1.00, B some linen hankies for 3 for 1.00, Ann a red felt sailor hat for .50 and Bobby a rayon suit with long pants for $2.00.  If I could have gone alone I know I could have found lots of other things at a bargain but you just can't do much running around with little ones tagging along.  Toni got Venetian blinds for her bedroom for $5.00 (2 shades).

We still can't get rid of our colds.  They seem to stay about the same.

We just finished breakfast so I must get busy and get started on the house or it will be lunchtime.

Hope you both are fine."

                      Lots of love,


Molasses Lace Cookies

Preheat oven to 325.  Sift together 3/4 c. flour, 3 T. nonfat dry milk, 2/3 c. sugar and 1 tsp. ginger.  In a medium saucepan, slowly heat 1/2 c. molasses to boiling point; remove from heat and mix in 1/2 c. shortening.  Slowly add flour mixture while mixing well.  Drop by half teaspoonful 4" apart on well-greased cookie sheet.  Bake until done.  Remove from oven, let stand a minute then quickly loosen all cookies with a sharp, broad knife.  While cookies are still warm and pliable, roll, one at a time, around handle of a wooden spoon.  Let cool on rack.  Store in tightly covered container.

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