Saturday, June 2, 2012

April 17, 1948 People Are Beginning to Hear, A Normal Place to Live, Naturally Cute and Banquets

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Dear Mother & Daddy,

"We got the pretty card Monday.  Our anniversary was just like any other day.  We had planned to buy some new records but after finding out about moving we decided they would be something else to move so didn't buy anything.  We were anxious to hear what all of you had to say about the job.  It is still hard for me to believe.  People are beginning to hear about it and our close friends are all moaning about it.  Dr. Wampler was quite upset about it but he'll soon be retiring and of course, he knew that it was an opportunity for us and really felt we should take it.  We still plan to come home in July probably and then we'll try to go to Normal and see about a place to live.  B had two letters from the men he will work with and one thought he could get help about a house from the housing director at the college so B will write.  B will teach here in August which will mean two trips but it is late for them to get another man and that $500. is important.
Did I tell you Bobby had outgrown his dresses?  He wears overalls and little knit suits.  He is so cute in the morning when he first wakes up.  He grunts and groans till he's fully awake then he calls me.  I get up and speak to him and he waits patiently for his bottle and is always all smiles. 

I had a letter from Bessie yesterday.  They thought Bobby was cute--naturally.

I finally got my dress cut and have it partly sewed.  I'd like to finish it by Wed. night.  The all school banquet is that evening.  The faculty banquet was last Wed. and was real nice.  We had a high school girl to stay with Bobby and he didn't wake at all.

It's getting close to bath time for Bobby so will have to go.  Hope you are both fine.  Haven't taken any pictures lately but plan to soon."

               Lots of love,

                     B, Bonnie & Baby

NOTE from Ann:  In the news of April 17, 1948 was the UN Security Council's resolution attempting to create a truce between Arabs and Jews in Palestine.

Many Palestinians flee in the wake of violence in 1948.

1 comment:

  1. Lead paint was the cause of much poisoning of children last until post WWII.
    I can't imagine moving for a 500. raise per year but it was a lot of money then. And my Dad knew it would be growing. During my childhood ISNU (now ISU) grew by 10 fold!


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