Tuesday, April 24, 2012

October 12, 1946 The Sewing Machine, The Film, The Dress Material and The Crocheting

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"Surprised?  Well, I had some news to write and couldn't wait till Wednesday.  We went to New Haven today and I bought a sewing machine for you.  They didn't have one like I've been waiting for but he had one for $104.50.  That is $10. more than the other one but I thought it was worth the difference.  The cabinet is quite a bit nicer than the other ones and I think it is walnut.  Attachments and a sewing book came with it but I didn't even ask what attachments.  I was as thrilled as if it was mine.  They showed me how to thread it and said to come back when I wanted to and they will show me how to use the attachments.  By Christmas I should be able to use all of them and teach you when we get home.  I bought material for drapes and slipcovers only yesterday and planned to rent a machine.  Now I can hardly wait to get started sewing.  The material is cream with big flowers in it.  I'm going to Kem-Tone the walls cream and we have a rug picked out.  It is a beige twist.  After we looked the state over for a gray we decided to get the beige if the store still has it Monday.  We think $98.50 is a lot for a 9x12 but it is the best we can do and will last years.

We have also ordered a refrigerator.  This store seems to favor the college and promised us one before long.  The box is a seven feet General Electric--$232.75.  We'll be flat broke if it should come right away.  It sounds like a lot of money but they are all things that will last for years.  We want to get a desk and some odd tables one of these days but aren't going to be in any hurry.

B is happily developing film.  It's the first chance he'd had so we hope to be able to send you and Beulah those we took of the babies this summer.  B said he'd send you a picture of the machine if you wanted to see what you're getting.

I mailed your dress material before I found out about the machine.  It never occurred to me that I could get one or I would have kept the dresses and made them for you.  You can send them back if you want to or save them till Christmas and I'll make them.  I couldn't get a dusty rose or the plain navy polka dot, but I thought you'd like these.

We got the curtains fine but you didn't keep the postage out.  Be sure and do that this time.  I was so glad you sent the short ones too.  I can cut them down a bit for the pantry window.

I'm going to get my diploma next Saturday in a mass graduation of people from the whole state.  They have it every year but I didn't know it.  The graduation is next Saturday morning at the college in New Britain.  The governor is to be the speaker and there is a luncheon at noon with a football game in the afternoon.  So you see I'm going to graduate in style after all.

The club met Thursday and was mostly a business meeting.  Then we visited and crocheted.  We're to have a speaker next time.  

Tomorrow we're invited with another couple to have 4:00 coffee at Dr. Richards.  You know they are the ones who bought the old house.

I hope you find a place soon.  Just look long through and you'll find one you like.

This is all the news and I won't write this Wednesday since I've told everything but I wanted you to know about the machine."

                         Lots of love,

                                B & Bonnie

NOTE: The graduation sketch was done by a friend of Bonnie's and is in her high school yearbook, 1938.

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