Thursday, April 12, 2012

March 16, 1946 B Waits, Not Looking Forward to More Student Teaching and The Suit

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"This is another beautiful day.  Yesterday was cold and rainy but today is nice.  I'm wanting to plant some flower seed if I ever get to it.

I start practice teaching again Monday and I'm not looking forward to it either.  B hasn't been very busy the past two weeks.  He's just waiting for his conference with the faculty next Friday.  Next Thursday and Friday nights are parent nights at Hopkins.  The boys put on a little program and B's group is preparing a play.

I finally got around to writing to Beulah.  I think about her so much and wish I could see her.  This weather makes one think that winter is over and I can hardly wait for summer to come.  If everything goes well we should be able to come home the middle of August.

Last night I started working on my velveteen dress.  It is going to be really pretty and I'm hoping to get it done before parent's night so I can wear it.

Dr. Lovell told B last week that he would recommend him to the board of trustees with some increase in salary.  Just how much it would be we can't tell and won't know till the middle of April.

The postman just brought your letter.  I'm sorry that Daddy is sick.  You better leave that cleaning till later.  It will probably get cold again and then you'll have it to do all over.

We have been cleaning this morning.  It is an easy house to clean.  One of the nicest things about it is that you can hear the rain on the roof.  I have to wash some this afternoon.

How did you ever happen to go to the missionary meeting?

Sully and Bea live in Willimantic, Conn. and we haven't seen them in a long time.  We had a letter from them this week, though.  They are as busy as we are.

I'll send you a picture of my suit.  It is wine and I'll wear a white blouse.

There just isn't any news so write soon."

                 Lots of love,

                        B & Bonnie

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