Dear Mother & Daddy,
"Happy birthday, Mother! We'll be thinking of you tomorrow and wishing we could see you. Your package will probably be late but I hope you have a very, very nice birthday. Stevie will be five. I guess we won't know him when we get to see him. We haven't seen him in over three years.
Our school work is coming along fine. B's vacation began yesterday so he plans to read and write all next week.
This has been the funniest week. It has done everything from snow to real warm weather. One day it was awfully warm. People were dressed for spring and the next day the temperature dropped way down and it snowed and sleeted.
How is everyone? Did the Dr. come to see Grandma? You will probably answer all these questions in your letter but the postman hasn't come yet. He doesn't come till noon out here and only once a day.
Time certainly flies. It is April already. I keep thinking of Beulah and wishing I could be home. It will be so hard to imagine her with another baby besides Charlotte.
We haven't any idea when we'll know whether B stays at Hopkins or not. We are just going to wait and see if any good job comes through Yale and if not we'll just stay here. Dr. Hill said you could never know just when schools will be asking for teachers. We'll just wait and see what turns up.
Your letter has come and you really have been having summer. Do you think there is any chance of everything getting frozen?
What were the results of the x-ray? I'm so anxious to know.
Did the factory deal finally fall through? Maybe Bohannans have something like it in mind.

I haven't bought anything for spring and am not planning to. I haven't time to look for anything or to wear it. I manage to sew about one seam on my suit each week. Maybe I'll get it finished in time to wear it this spring.
Take care of yourselves and write soon. Hope tomorrow will be a nice day for you both."
B & Bonnie
NOTES from Ann: Truman had a news conference on April 6, 1946 at the Keen Teen Club of Chicago. When asked what America's youth could do about the growing problem of hunger in Europe, Truman quipped, "Don't eat so much." See entire text:
When Bonnie was a child, she encountered a little girl who had only a saltine spread with lard for lunch at school every day. She said it broke her heart to see that, but most children who were able to share their lunches, did so.
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