Thursday, February 5, 2015

September 11, 1966 The Mimosa, The Mess, The Scraps and The Bones

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"This week has simply flown & I haven't done much or at least, it doesn't show. The boys got home by mid-afternoon and had a wonderful time. They were in Rolla before the library opened so left the book in the door.

We have enjoyed the vegetables this week and while it was cool we had a pork roast with baked sweet potatoes. They were really good. I just cut the ends off & put them in the oven. That's my favorite way of fixing them & it's so easy. I'm almost afraid to say so, but I believe the mimosa is going to live.  A few leaves have curled a bit but it looks perky and the leaves close at night as they should.

This place has been like Grand Central Station all week. The men came Tuesday morning to start the siding and have the job about half done. The white is really white but is going to look nice. The workmen are the messiest I ever have had around. They quit at 4:30 so I go out and sweep the porches & walk. Ann made iced tea for them one afternoon but only once. They broke a glass & didn't even clean up the pieces. We've always had such nice workmen around that I guess I'm spoiled.

Bob is leaving Thursday so we've been packing things in a foot locker for him to send ahead. It's running over now so I don't know how much he'll have to leave at home.

Ann has her driver's license now & is so happy. We went to the examining place early one morning & sat all morning, came home for lunch & B took her back in the afternoon before her turn came for the test. There was a whole room full of disgusted people. It is the most inefficient place I've ever seen.

B wanted me to include his letter & I'll wrap the tubes sometime this weekend & try to mail them early next week.

Ann & I both worked one morning at the high school. Ann was supposed to help with registration and I helped with the book sale. The PTA sponsors a used book sale to help kids sell or buy their used books. It means a real savings on most books. We took a stack of books the kids don't need any more & we priced them pretty low but the total was still $20.00.

I had a letter from Bessie this week & want to answer that soon. She was asking for fabric scraps so I'll have to tell her they are in Richland.

I haven't written for your photo appointment yet but will soon. B made this little picture off the one we had taken for Ann's16th birthday. I think it's sweet.

We're going to Bone's tonight to see pictures so I'd better get busy."

                          Lots of love,


The new Dean and the new Friendship
NOTE: In the summer, our dad took on the new role of Assoc. Dean of the Faculty, leaving most of his responsibilities as Dean of the Undergraduate School to someone else.

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