Monday, March 31, 2014

July 1, 1961 A Few Days Off, The Blooming Locust, Mumps in the Typing Class and Some Fall Sewing

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"The kids have gone to band so things are quiet for a few minutes.  School will be closed till Wed. morning and B can hardly wait to have those few days off.  Bob goes to camp on Sunday and we'll probably just putter the time away and really do nothing.

I've been working on a sundress for Ann and it is all done but the buttonholes.  It is real cool again after two real scorchers that made everyone puff & pant.

We have our appointment with the dentist late this afternoon.  He made impressions of Bob's teeth on Monday & will tell us today what has to be done.  We all dread it for it will be a long ordeal--around two years, we think.  Bob doesn't say much but I know he dreads it.

Ann is fine again except for some sore fingers.  She was playing ball last night & the ball hit the ends of her fingers.  They are puffed up and I know they hurt.  Don't you remember how often I sprained my thumbs that way?

We went to the department picnic last night.  I guess we enjoyed it but it's more work than it's worth.  I took fried chicken & a green bean casserole plus our own tablecloth & dishes.  By the time you get it all there & then cleaned up after you get home, you've done a day's work.  I guess my age is showing but I'm still being bothered with school business and I'd like a little vacation from it.

My pink locust is blooming for the second time.  It doesn't have many blossoms but I wonder if it will die.  I've heard that trees do die sometimes when they bloom twice.  The bushes across the back are so thick now that we have more birds then we've ever had.  A catbird has been coming to the rosebush at the back door.  I never knew they could sing so pretty.  The honeysuckle berries are getting ripe and the birds like them.

Bob has been exposed to the mumps in typing class.  He has been exposed several times & never took them but if he does take them this time it will be about the time B's vacation begins.  Wouldn't that be great?  I really would hate for him to have them but we'll just have to wait & see.

Historic Catalogs,
We have a new Alden's Catalog & the Sears ones are ready but we haven't had a chance to go get it.  We haven't had any summer yet & it seems strange that the fall things will soon be in the stores.

I'd like to do some fall sewing this summer but have to do the cleaning first.  I called the Dean of Women at school to get a girl to help me but I guess I'm not going to get anyone yet.

There isn't much news to write so I guess I'll go pull a few weeds.  They are always ahead of me.

Don't shoot too many firecrackers on the Fourth.  I'm glad we aren't allowed to have the things."

               Lots of love,


Sunday, March 30, 2014

June 24, 1961 Bob Gets a Metal, Barbie Gets a Formal, Bonnie Gets a Letter and The Backyard is Full of Boys

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"This is a school day so it really doesn't seem like Saturday at all.  They had classes today so the students could have the Monday before the 4th and that will make a nice long weekend for everyone.

Bob will be at Scout camp over the 4th so we won't plan anything special--probably enjoy the time at home.  He hopes to get his Life Scout rank at camp so we've been working hard on Scout stuff since school was out.  The boys got beautiful bronze medals for their long hike.  There is a picture of Lincoln on the front & on the back is engraved "Bob Belshe has walked in Lincoln's steps."  Bob is so proud of it and it will look nice on his uniform.  The boys will get a badge to sew on their uniforms for each of their 10 mile hikes.  Several boys are coming later this afternoon to work on their requirements.  B will work with them on it.

Silk Barbie doll formal, made my Bonnie
I spent most of yesterday making doll clothes for Ann's doll.  She has a sore throat and hasn't been able to do much except lie around.

Bob & I did have to go to the dentist yesterday.  Now we have to go to another one next week for our dentist thinks Bob will have to have braces.  He kept thinking that Bob's jaws would grow enough to make room for the teeth & they would straighten by themselves.  Bob grew 2¾" this year & still the jaw bones are too small for the size of his teeth so we have to get something done.  We used to think the thumb sucking made them stick out but now we are beginning to think it is just the way he grew.

I had Quill Club here Thursday night after someone else couldn't have it.  We have one more meeting & then none till fall.

We enjoying having Horace, Mabel & Sid last weekend but they were here hardly long enough to say hello.  They came about 3:00 Sunday afternoon & left before 8:00 Monday morning.  B had to be at school by 7:30 so all of us got up early & had breakfast together.  Then Horace and Mabel left soon afterwards.  He wanted to go to several wholesalers in St. Louis so had to get there as early as he could.  The boys all went to a horse show Sunday night but Mabel & I didn't want to go.

It is a little warmer this afternoon but it gets so cold at night I'm still wearing winter p.j.s.  The kids haven't even been swimming much.

Clip-on tie
I'm glad Daddy liked the shirt & tie.  Isn't that tie a queer one?  B hasn't had any but several people have liked them.

I had such a nice letter from Beulah.  I was awfully glad to get it but was ashamed I'd mentioned it to you for I know she hasn't any time or energy to write letters after her work is done.

Did you like the way your quilts looked after they were done?  I have two tops I should have finished up.

What pattern did Charlotte want on her cross-stitched dress?  I think Ann's pattern is as pretty as mine & there isn't a third the work on it.  It's like your apron.  I don't think I'll ever make another cross-stitched dress.  I'm working a little on my table cloth but not getting very far.

I have a backyard full of boys and B hasn't come from school.  There are a few extra ones besides the ones who are supposed to be here.

I stopped long enough to start supper and now it's getting dark & the wind is going to blow in some rain so I guess it will be cold again.

I've run out of news and with all the confusion I'm not getting very far anyway so bye for now."

                  Lots of love,


Saturday, March 29, 2014

June 11 and 15, 1961 The School Year is Over, The Scouts are Hiking and The Flowers Have Been Beautiful

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"Another school year is over and the town is very quiet now but it really was buzzing this morning.  Graduation was at 10:00 but I didn't go.  It seems like I've spent half my time at school this year and I didn't have to go today so Bob & I went to Bloomington.

The Scouts are planning their long hike from New Salem to Springfield next Wed. & Bob needed some Scout clothes.  He was supposed to hike another 10 miles today but got up with a sore knee & couldn't walk very comfortably so he couldn't go.  He probably twisted his knee & didn't know it.

Ann's flute lessons are over for the summer & I'm glad.  She'll go to school for band practice & that's enough.  We'll keep up the piano this month.  Her recital was Wednesday night & she played real well.

Both children got good reports from school & we are all glad school is out.  I'm trying to get a girl to help me clean the house but I'll have to wait till summer school begins.

B & I worked in the yard for awhile after he came from school & it looks so pretty.  My flowers have been beautiful.  The peonies are bending over with blossoms & the Paul Scarlet rose is blooming.  The iris are about gone.  I went to the country last Sunday and got a lot of new ones & put them out so I should have even more next year.

I haven't heard from Beulah in so long.  She usually writes right back but I haven't heard from her in ages.

We promised the kids ice cream cones so we'd better go.  Hope you both are fine."

                        Lots of love,


NOTE:  The promised ice cream meant a drive to the Dairy Queen, which always seemed much better than having ice cream at home.

Thursday, June 15, 1961

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"Happy Fathers' Day to you both.  I'm actually going to be on time, for once.  Things are quieter around home and I haven't had to do so much running.  Bob had a physical exam Monday and I went to a PTA committee meeting last night and the rest of the time I've stayed at home.  It amazes me how much work I can get done when I don't have to dress up and go somewhere.

We've had real hot weather and the kids have been going swimming but yesterday was real cool and today is even cooler.  The furnace is even running.  The Scouts took their 21 mile hike yesterday and it really was a fine day for it.  Bob came home tired out but he had a good time.  They hiked into Springfield and then went to the capital and several places before coming home so they really had a day.  Two of the fathers took them.

Ann has been restless.  Her best friends are gone so she's a little lost.  She has a piano lesson this morning and that will help.

Yesterday was so cool I almost worked my socks off.  I did the ironing in the morning and then cleaned the upstairs bathroom.  It's all done except for the curtains and I'll iron them this morning.  I sewed a little yesterday too and have that other black-white gingham dress all done but some handwork.

My table cloth is coming along awfully slow.  There is always something else I need to do.

I'm glad Aunt Cliffie finally bought a place in town.  You will be company for one another.  I can't remember much about the house for it has been years since I was in it.

Bob's knee is fine.  It didn't stay sore too long and I think he must have twisted it some way.  He has all his long hikes done now for his badge.  He keeps saying he is going to work on his badges but the days go by and he doesn't do much.  I think he's as tired of the working & rushing as the rest of us.

B has been terribly busy this week and worked late some evenings.  They are winding up the records for the school year that is just over and getting ready for summer school.

I'd like to talk to Chloe about the drive to Alaska.  Bob & I would just love to go there but people say the road is so dusty and you have to travel so slowly.  People also say that prices are terribly high once you get there.

It is about lunch time so I must stop.  Hope you both have a nice day Sunday."

                           Lots of love,


Friday, March 28, 2014

June 4, 1961 The Picnic, The Percolator and The Play

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"I have actually been home all day until after supper and we went to the grocery store.  It has been so nice to be home I've almost worked my sox off.  I worked in the yard most of the morning and really enjoyed it.  Summer seems to have come all at once but I like it.  A friend gave me some different iris and I put them out this morning and moved some others.  The iris are beautiful right now and the peonies are just starting to open.  There weren't any out on Memorial Day.

We didn't do anything much that day.  It was a holiday, of course, but I didn't feel good so we just loafed.  I had intestinal flu, I guess, and it just knocked me out.  I spent Monday in bed and part of Tuesday but was all right Wed. and collected money for the Mental Health Drive that afternoon.

Yesterday I went to two teas and had to miss Ann's music program at school.  The PTA board had a tea and meeting and then the education department entertained three educators from Ethiopia and I had to pour coffee.  Things are beginning to slow up for me but B is as busy as ever.

We will have the last two weeks in July for our vacation and he'll be ready for a rest by then.

The picnic last Sunday topped all parties I ever heard of.  The day was cloudy & chilly but we were outdoors most of the time.  Everyone was given a number when we got there & then they drew numbers for prizes after lunch.  B got a Sunbeam coffee maker--a chrome 10 cup.  Then we won a big box of candy and a wool shirt playing Bingo.  Other prizes were as big or bigger.  One student had 6 or 7 things including an electric blanket.  The picnic lunch included roast beef, ham and turkey with the usual picnic stuff like potato salad & baked beans.  We were invited because B is the Dean for I had never met the people before.  The people had worked hard planning this thing.  The students were simply flabbergasted--and so were a lot of the rest of us.

This letter has been written in pieces.  Here it is Sunday morning and I've been trying to finish this since Friday.

Yesterday morning I took Ann to recital practice & then we cleaned closets all afternoon.  I stopped and fixed some Swiss Steak to take to Sorensen's to potluck and we didn't get home till late, of course.

Edna is getting along fine.  She hasn't gone to much this year but they have been finishing a book and I think that is the reason.  She has some new medicine to take in August if the asthma starts again.  It is experimental and she is more or less a Guinea pig for it for a hospital in Chicago.  They think it will work.

The children will be out of school next week.  I will be glad.  They will both go ahead with band this summer, Bob will take typing & Ann will take piano thru June.  I probably told you this before.

The Children's Day play I wrote so long ago is out now.  I'll try to bring a copy when I come.

I must get ready for Sunday School.  I'll be short one helper this week and we've been running over with little kids.  I'm going to have to hunt some help some place."

Hope you both are real fine."

          Lots of love,


NOTE:  In our Dad's photo collection, there are hundreds of slides of flowers but only a handful from our own yard.  One of those is pictured above.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

May 27, 1961 The Hike, The Dress, The Cookies and The Picnic

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"I just finished a letter to Jerry.  I guess he is 15 today.  It just doesn't seem possible.  Of course, it's hard to believe my own kids are so big.  Bob seems to be slimming down.  He's a busy fellow.  His room went on a picnic yesterday and hoped to go swimming but it was much too cold.  The Scouts are taking a 10 mile hike this morning and it's a perfect day for it--cool but sunny.  They have to take five of them and then hike the Lincoln trail for a badge.  That is 20 miles between Springfield and New Salem.  Hundreds of Scouts do this every June.

It sounds like you had a nice day at Fannie's.  I don't supposed I'd even know Roger if I saw him.

Things are slowing down a bit.  I managed to get a dress made for Ann this weekend and I got my ironing done but that's about all.

We are still eating cookies left from our party and the kids finished the punch yesterday.  Now I have to call the dairy to come after the bottles.

Bob and Ann are spending tomorrow with their friends while B & I go to a picnic up near Chicago.  The people giving the picnic are well-to-do and sponsor several girl students at our school every year.  This is a party for the students but they have also invited some of the faculty.  A bus full of girls will go from here so you can see how many girls they help.  The woman used to teach here and then married a man who loves to help other people, too, so they make quite a pair.  One of our new buildings is named after them because they have done so much for our school.

I want to give this to the postman when he comes by so I'd better stop.  Hope you both are fine."

                           Lots of love,


NOTES:  Ads are from The Saturday Evening Post, 5/13/61 and Life, 4/14/61.

This letter reminds me of the metal box on the front porch where milk bottles waited to be picked up by the milkman and replaced with full bottles each week.  Also, the mailman who walked our neighborhood delivered twice a day for many years.  If we happened to be in the yard at the time he came, he would often comment on the mail (i.e. , "Looks like a letter from your grandmother!").  If I was expecting a letter, I could walk to the corner box and wait for him to gather its contents, look through it, and give me my letter before he took the rest of the mail to our house.  I thought that was a real treat.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

May 19, 1961 Patching the Ceiling, Mowing the Lawn and Making a Dent in the Dirt

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"The man is here patching the ceiling plaster in the study so I'm just really hanging around.  I can't seem to do much when there is a workman around.  I'll be glad to have it done so I can really clean that room.  There isn't much chance of doing much cleaning until school is out but I'll certainly have to then.  When I clean our bedroom I'm going to rearrange it so there'll be more room for the tables Daddy made.  We still haven't had time to work out the color for the finish.  There are so many things we need to do around here but no time to do them.

B finally got a power mower so he'll be mowing the lawn himself for awhile for I don't want Bob to use it yet.

Things are getting prettier outdoors everyday but we need sunshine.  It stays cold & gloomy.  The lilacs have been wonderful all over town.

Our big party is over but I'm still tired from it.  It turned out perfectly without a hitch and we had over 300 people and lots of cookies--too many really but we wanted to have more than enough.  We bought a lot and each made 6 or 800 so there was a big variety.  We had lots of flowers around the room and the school greenhouse made our centerpiece for the table.  It was pink snapdragons with some greens mixed in and beautiful.  We put a pink sheet under the lace cloth and used white candles.  The punch bowl was glass (pink punch) so we put flowers around the bottom of the bowl.  Everything looked pretty and we had lots of compliments on the whole party.

My iris have barely started blooming but I used what were out for the party, Larsens have all colors of lilacs and then I went to Smiths in the country and she gave me tulips, iris and narcissus so we had lots of flowers.  The lilacs and narcissus made the room smell good too.  Mrs. Smith gave me a lot of asparagus and rhubarb too but I haven't had time to make a pie.

Last night I went to the Faculty Women's Dinner and tomorrow I go to a brunch.  There are still a lot of dinners on our calendar.  I don't remember there ever being so many in the spring before.  I have charge of the Pen Women dinner Sunday noon, too.  That's a headache for people are lazy about sending reservations in and then come anyway.

Bob is going on a camp out this week-end.  It has been quite awhile since they have had one.

I'm glad you liked the napkins.  I have finally started on my small cloth and think it will be very pretty.  It's awfully slow because I can't work on it very long or very often at a time.

B is in Chicago for a meeting.  He'll be home tomorrow night.

I don't have to go anywhere this afternoon except the store so I'd better get busy and make a dent in the dirt around here."

                           Lots of love,


NOTE:  More easy rhubarb recipes here:

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

May 13, 1961 The Wonderful Day, The Industrial Arts Exhibit, The Gingham Dress and The Lilacs

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"It has been a wonderful day.  We've had the doors open and the windows that have screens.  I don't know when we'll get the screens on the other windows but it's time to do it at last.  I got out in the yard and didn't get back in very soon--ended up by pulling a basket full of weeds and planting some petunias.

Ann didn't feel good today so she stayed home from school.  She feels better now.  They had a program yesterday and a party for their parents.  Bob' room has a play next Monday.

Buddy called last Sunday while we were gone to a tea but Bob talked to him.  Then he called back Tuesday, I think it was, at supper time.  He was working and just called to visit.  It was nice to talk to him and I guess they really enjoyed the Passion Play.  There was a picture in the paper of some of the women from their group so I sent it to them.

We have been to an industrial arts exhibit at school  Bob & his friends all got white ribbons (3rd) on their copper pictures they entered but I think that is good for the whole state.

My gingham dress is all done and I've worn it.  It turned out real nice but isn't anything extra special.  I had so much trouble with it.  I finally had to rip the black trim off the first blouse I made & put it back on the embroidered skirt.  I have had lots of compliments on it but it sure wasn't worth all the work.

This has been an easier week then the past several.  We didn't have to go so much but I've been making cookies for our tea next week.

I think it would be nice if you went to Aunt Jane's and I don't see why you couldn't go.

Sunday is Mothers' Day and I wish we could be home.  I hope your package gets there on time.  We'll be thinking of you and hope both you and Daddy have a nice day.

Bob has been delivering papers 3 or 4 days a week.  Denny is on the track team at school and practices after school.  I was glad he got to do this for he just never gets to do anything after school.  Bob is happy to earn the money & help Denny but I'm sure glad he doesn't do this all of the time.  They never have time for anything else.

My neighbor gave me a beautiful bunch of lilacs today & they smell so good.  She also gave me a young red lilac to plant.  I hope it grows & it looks like it would.

The plaster in the study has started falling where we had that leak in the roof & didn't know it was there.  I called a man today to come and patch it and we discovered that our insurance will cover it.  We were glad about that.  We're still getting water in the basement when it rains hard.  I don't know what we can do about it.

I must stop & pin up my hair.  It is getting so long it doesn't stay up very well."

                         Lots of love,


Monday, March 24, 2014

May 7, 1961 Cookies for 1000, Cake for 44 and The Biology Class Reunion

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"I'm really late this week but I haven't been home long enough to write a letter.  Faith Larsen and I spent 2 days working on plans for the tea I told you we were going to have for the woman that is retiring.  There were 730 people invited when we got them all counted but we're planning on 500 coming.  We are going to serve punch and cookies but it will take a lot.  We're buying the punch from a dairy & are buying part of the cookies.  It will take at least 1000.  We're baking part of them so I'm going to start making cookies next week.  This party is to be in one of the lounges at school so it will be convenient for everyone to come.

Bob made a copper picture at school and entered it in a contest that was a district thing.  He got a red ribbon for it & was really pleased.  Now he is entering it in a state contest so he's been rubbing & polishing on the frame.

Ann is getting ready for the piano recital in early June.  She had a workshop yesterday morning but had to go alone.  I went to a coffee & style show the college home ec. girls were having.  Then I went to a luncheon and B & I went to a Sophomore party at school last night.  We're all getting so tired we're kind of dopey.

Dr. Brown
We are going to a tea for outstanding seniors this afternoon.  This is Mothers' Day on our campus so there are lots of parents here & there is a special service this afternoon with a reception afterwards.  We're skipping that for we're all going out to supper at Brown's (the man who taught the biology group).  I'm making 2 cakes to take.  There will be 44 people & all of us who took the trip will show our pictures.  We probably won't get thru them till about midnight or more.  

I must get some lunch & get dressed to go to school so will say bye for now.  Maybe I won't be so late next week."



Sunday, March 23, 2014

April 29, 1961 The Nice Underwear, The Terribly Busy Week, The Day in Chicago and That Gingham Dress

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"I thought I'd get this written before anyone got up but Ann is up and talking a mile a minute so it may not make sense.

B was real proud of the nice underwear and sends his thanks.  He can always use it.  Sometimes I think I wash our clothes to pieces & we'd be better off to wear them a little longer but I guess that wouldn't be the way to win friends.  B had a lot of birthday cards and the office girls fixed a party for him at school.  There was some kind of a consultant here that day & they had meetings all day so the girls just took coffee & a beautiful big cake into the meeting & they all stopped work long enough to eat it.  There was another meeting with this man in the evening & B didn't even come home for supper so we couldn't even get a good dinner for him. 

This week has been a terribly busy one.  Yesterday was the first day I'd been home all day but I didn't do a thing worthwhile.  I was so tired I just sat around and tried to take a nap after lunch but got up 5 times for the telephone & doorbell so it didn't do much good.  Last night we went to a dinner & party for the education department & really had a good time.  B has to work in the office this morning but I don't have to go anyplace today.

Bob's room went to Springfield one day this week.  They had a nice sunny day so they enjoyed the trip.  They watched the senate at work & came home disgusted with the way they work.  Then they had time to go to Lincoln's home and tomb.  Everyone behaved so they had a real good day.

Bob has had an awful cold and still coughs.  So far, the rest of us have escaped.

We enjoyed our day in Chicago.  It was pouring rain when we left here but it was clear and sunny in Chicago.  B let us out downtown and went to his meeting.  We just loafed and looked.  The children bought a few little things and then we met B at 2:00.  I bought a spring coat (full length beige) and we bought a projector.  We sure hated to do that but Bob dropped ours one day while taking it to school and broke it.  We tried to have it fixed but it was too old.  It isn't even made anymore & you can't even find an old one for parts.

Our yard sure needs to be mowed.  We have only 2 or 3 flowers.  My tulips aren't any good--they were frozen too many times.  We're going to have to do something more around the foundation for we're getting water in one end of the basement.  I guess it's a good thing we didn't finish the playroom yet.

I haven't done a stitch on my tablecloth.  How did yours look when it was ironed?  I did buy some thread and when I get caught up on my sewing I'll be ready to start.  I think the napkins were about 40¢.  I'm not sure.

I finally ordered some Betty Crocker stainless.  It sure is nice.  I got 12 forks and 4 knives and will have to save more coupons a while before I order more knives.  I thought I'd use more forks more often so I'd get them first.

I have had the worst time with that gingham dress.  After I got the black trim on the dress it didn't look right so I bought more gingham in Chicago and cut a new blouse & a skirt to go with the black-trimmed blouse.  I went ahead and finished that dress & when I got it all done & ready to wear it didn't look right.  The black checks didn't match.  Believe it or not, the black was a different color.  I looked all over Bloomington & can't match it in the same brand even.  So then I ripped the dress apart, took the black trim off the first blouse & will put it on the cross-stitched skirt like I started to do.  It is a lot of work but I'd never feel right wearing either dress and I did want the one to be nice.  Like Amos & Andy,  "I's repisted".

B's ready to leave & I want him to mail this so bye for now."



NOTE:  You could run over that stainless with a truck and it wouldn't hurt it.  It is still in service.

Surrounded by controversy, The Amos and Andy Show aired from 1950-53, with radio broadcasts prior to that.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

April 22, 1961 The Buzzing Bees, The Botched Blouse and The Big Box of Shells

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"The kids will soon be here for lunch but I can start this anyway.  This is such a wonderful, warm sunny day I am having a terrible time staying in the house.  We haven't had any decent weather in so long & Sunday was a real mess, as you know from the papers.  Today, the bees are buzzing & the birds are singing.   I even have the windows open.  If it stays like this I can take my Sunday School kids for a walk Sunday so they can pick dandelions.  They love that.

B has a meeting in Chicago tomorrow so we're going to ride along & will entertain ourselves downtown till he is free.  I hope we have a day like this.

I sewed all day yesterday on my black and white gingham dress & could have just about finished it but when I got the blouse part done, it didn't look right with the cross-stitched skirt.  I'm going to get some more gingham & cut a different blouse.  I put too much work on that skirt to botch it up.  The blouse I made is nice but I trimmed it in black & it was too much contrast.  I guess I'll make a skirt for it too and have two checked dresses.  I'm in the mood to sew now, if I could just have a little more time for it.  I have to go to a tea at 4:00 this afternoon or I'd go get my gingham & sew.  The tea won't last long but it sure takes a lot of time to get dressed & get there.  It kills an afternoon for anything else.

Things are really beginning to hum around school like always at this time of year.  It makes me tired to look at my calendar.  Both of the children showed our pictures at school this week & Bob took a big box of shells today.  He'll set up a display in the room.

Photos from the animal sanctuary, Okefenokee

I must stop & get cleaned up.  If I wait till the last minute before the tea someone will come & I'll have to break my neck to get ready on time.  Hope you both are fine & are having nice weather."

                            Lots of love,


Friday, March 21, 2014

April 15, 1961 The Washing & Ironing, The Invitations, The Slides and The Special Meetings

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"Today seems to be washday for me so I've been washing & ironing.  Just hadn't got to it this week.  I spent Monday & Tues. cleaning since the potluck group met here Tues. night.  I didn't have to cook, except for making coffee, but 12 people make a lot of extra work anyway.   Then Larsens were here for supper Wed. night.  They wanted to see our slides so we had our anniversary dinner that night & invited them.  We had been over there Sunday night to plan a reception we are giving for a woman who works in B's and Art's office.  She is retiring this year after working 30 some years at the University.  She knows so many people we are sending out 4 or 500 invitations.

Thanks for the pretty card.  We didn't do anything special on Thurs. because there were three places we were supposed to go & we chose to go to Bob's Scout meeting.  He got some new badges so we wanted to be there.  I always feel sorry for kids when neither parent goes with them to these special meetings. 

Last night we went to a dinner party to honor two faculty people who are retiring & tonight there is a faculty dinner at school.  Things will be this way from now till the end of school, I guess.

Bruce stayed all night with Bob last night & Ann went to a friend's house to a slumber party.  She'll be tired today for they never sleep much at those things.

There is a big Scout show this afternoon and Bob has to work part of the time so we'll go to that for awhile.

Burl Ives signing autographs
We'd like to see Buddy & Bessie but I know how hard it is to do anything extra when you're with a group.  They'll be lucky if they can find time to call us.

I'd like to work in the yard today but it's awfully cold.  We did get the front yard cleaned up but ran out of time & didn't touch the back.  My tulips are trying to bloom & opened up when we had a half day of sun but they are closed up tight today.

The willow is coming out slowly but it would pop out too if the sun would shine a little.

It's about lunch time and there doesn't seem to be much news so bye for now."

                          Lots of love,


Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Festival Dolls, by Bonnie Belshe, Illustrated by Sherry Thompson

During our summer vacation in 1960, we visited Salt Lake City and the Mormon Tabernacle, and I believe our mom got a copy of the Children's Friend Magazine at that time.  I assume this is how she got the idea to submit her story to this publication, since the magazine included internationally themed stories.

After Bonnie sold this story to The Children's Friend magazine in January of 1961, the story was eventually published in The Friend Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 1, January, 1971.  With special thanks to Jan of  Church Magazines,  the story is pictured below.  For more information about Japanese festival dolls and photos from Japan (1954) please see the earlier post

Cover, January, 1971, Vol. 1, No. 1

Note:  For readers interested in more information on The Friend, visit the Facebook page:

April 7, 1961 The Promised Letter, The Yankee, The Swamp, The Orange Juice and The Shells

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"Happy birthday, Mother.  I hope you have your package by now.

I promised you a letter about our trip so I'll start at the very beginning.  It was cloudy and drizzly the morning of March 22 but no one cared.  We had gone to a class session a few nights before & had met all the students that were going.  B had an 8:00 class Wed. morning so the kids & I locked the house up & drove to the lot where the bus was loading.  B came there from class so we drove out right after the bus.  We took lunch with us that day & ate in the car to make time.  The students ate lunch in a park in Effingham but we stopped to talk only a minute & went on to Nashville, Tennessee.  We ate breakfast with the group the next morning & then drove out to see Andrew Jackson's home, the Hermitage.  It's a beautiful place but the bus didn't go there.  They went to the Parthenon (a copy of the Greek) & saw the exhibit of marble work & paintings.

We just drove around it & caught up with the bus in Monteagle, Tenn.  for lunch.  This town is right on top of a mt.  Bob & Ann got on the bus then & we took students with us to Lookout Mt. from which you can see 7 states.

The day was dreary but our pictures came out all right.  You can see the whole city of Chattanooga below you & this is all Civil War country.  We even saw a Confederate flag flying beside the U.S. flag in front of the Post Office.  I really felt like a Yankee before we got to Florida. We stayed in Atlanta, Georgia that night & drove an hr. the next morning before breakfast.  Everywhere we went the people were waiting for us & glad to see us. 

That afternoon we went to the Okefenokee Swamp & took boat trips back in the swamp.  It is full of wildlife of all kinds--birds, snakes, alligators & others.  The trees are full of Spanish Moss & it was all kind of creepy but beautiful.

The Suwannee River starts in this swamp.

It was so interesting I'd like to spend a whole day there but we went on to St. Augustine, Florida.  It was almost 9:00 P.M. when we got there but we went on a tour thru a wax museum that was very good.  The people kept the place open for us.  It was still sort of chilly but the people at our motel had the swimming pool ready for the kids & a lot of them went swimming, including our own.  It didn't hurt them a bit but I almost froze watching.

We are on March 25th now & spent that morning seeing St. Augustine which is the oldest white settlement in America. It was here that Ponce De Leon thought he'd found the fountain of youth.  The spring is still there & marked with a stone cross he made.  All of us had a drink from it but we were disgusted because we couldn't dip the water out of the spring ourselves.  A big covered pavilion is in the center of town where slaves were auctioned off.  Now the old men play checkers there--a much better use for the place, I'd say.

We went on to Marineland which is much like the one we saw in Calif.  & on to Daytona Beach where we had a picnic right on the beach.

By now the sun was wonderful & the kids couldn't stay out of the water.  Most of them had wet pant legs & shirt tails in just a few minutes.  They were dry, though, by the time we got to Cape Canaveral.  We stopped here at the Indian River Fruit Co. where we bought the fruit for you.  These people had a welcome sign out for us & gave us all the orange juice we could drink.

Then the man cut up grapefruit (the biggest ones I've ever seen in my life) for us.  It was sweet--not bitter like we get them.  Before we left they gave the students all little souvenirs & had a gift for me, Mrs. Brown (the wife of our teacher) & the bus driver's wife.  They were salt & pepper shakers.

We stayed in Miami that night & flew to the Bahamas the next morning.  It just takes an hour to fly the 200 miles.  It was beautiful flying & we could see the islands & the shallow spots in the ocean.

The airport is quite a ways from Nassau so it took us a while to go thru customs & get into Nassau by taxi.

Everyone went to church the first thing.  There were 4 (Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian & Church of England) but we chose to go to the Church of Eng.  It was high mass and in English (not Latin like Catholics) & interesting.

After lunch we took a walk as a group to see part of the city & then went out in 2 glass bottomed boats to the Sea Garden.  The water is clear as daylight so you can see all the fish & plants.  The students and kids went skin diving with an aqualung but they didn't get very many shells this way because it is so hard to get to the bottom in the salt water.  Bob was disappointed that he couldn't get down deep but he kept floating to the top.

That night we took another long walk thru the native quarters of the city & were up early the next morning to walk again.  We went thru an old fort & then to a tropical garden.  The man who owns it is a botanist & told us so many interesting things.  He gave me a hybrid hibiscus that was one of the prettiest flowers I ever saw.  I wore it on my dress all day.

He also has a flock of trained flamingos that do military marching.  They were fun to see. 

That afternoon we shopped around.  We didn't buy much of anything but we sure saw a lot.  There were china shops & liquor stores galore.  Bob & I bought some shells & a piece of coral & I got some coral beads.   After supper that night we all (all 34 of us) went to a night club to see some native dancing & hear some native music.  We bought a record of their music & sometime in here (I'm sort of mixed up by now) we had a beach picnic.

We left there on the 28th & crossed the Everglades.  Then we took a ferry boat to Sanibel Island to gather shells.  I want to go back there sometime.  Bob & I really loved every minute there.  This little island off the west coast of Florida is the choice spot in the world for shell collectors.  Bob & I got up at 5:00 A.M. to gather shells while the tide was out but B & Ann slept away.

The next night we stayed in Panacea, Florida.  One of the cottages had a kitchen so we all gathered there & some of the girls cooked breakfast.  All of us did a bit & it is surprising how fast bacon & eggs, toast & coffee can be made for 34 people.  The people here were like grandparents to the kids & all of us had a good time in that motel.  Florida State University has a marine laboratory near there so we spent a lot of time there.  One of the professors stayed with us to point out things in the water & used a net to bring in things to show us.

Each person had a big jar to put things in so we have 2 smelly jars of stuff in our basement that haven't been cleaned yet.  

Our family left the group early & went into Tallahassee to see some friends.  They were our next door neighbors in Japan.  Their girls are in college there now & the parents plan to go back to Japan & leave the girls here to finish school.

We headed north the next day & it began to get rainy.  We drove past Helen Keller's birthplace but didn't have time to go thru it.  Our last night was in Jackson, Tenn. & we had a big banquet in the hotel.  Everyone was sad the trip was over for we had all had a wonderful time.  It was about 30° the next night when we got home & we just about froze at first.  The kids on the bus had only sweaters & raincoats so they were cold.  Their parents were waiting for them when the bus arrived though, so it didn't take long for everyone to be headed home.

Today is a beautiful day but it's cold.  I can't wait for warm weather.  My house is so dirty I wonder if I'll ever get it cleaned.  I must stop & ice a cake for our church carnival.  If there weren't so many things like that to do I'd have more time for my own house.

Hope you both are fine."

                   Lots of love,


NOTE:  As for the skin diving, in spite of the fact that most of us merely bobbed around near the surface, we received our "certification" in the form of membership in the Neptune Society.  Bob has since become an enthusiastic scuba diver and explorer, filming coral reefs and marine he finally has made it to the bottom!  As for the marching flamingos, I naively volunteered to be part of demonstrating how tame, trained flamingos responded to verbal commands.  On cue, the flock bolted toward me, stopping just in time, also on cue.  I thought I might faint.

Below, listen to a little of the Eloise Trio played on Dad's turntable.