Sunday, August 17, 2014

April 18, 1964 The Illinois Weather, The Blue Ankle, The Tough Roast, The Nice Dedication and The Terrible Week

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"Everything is growing furiously and our yard is almost ready for mowing.  We have had two wonderful summer days--too hot for spring--but that is the way with Illinois weather.  It has been raining this morning and we need that.  Lake Bloomington is so low.  The wind blew so hard this week it lowered the Lake an inch.

I haven't heard from Beulah in such a long time.  Ann has another picture for her if I can ever send it.

My ankle is much better but still blue in some places.  I don't limp now but I'll probably wear a bandage a while longer.

We didn't do a thing for our wedding anniversary because we wanted to save the money.  Ann wanted to eat out but I had bought a roast & didn't want to.  Then I fixed the roast & went off to Sunday school without putting it in the oven.  I came home from S.S. & put it in to cook but it was a little tough.  We went back to the church for the open house & dedication of the organ and that was real nice.  Then we went to a lecture at school that night so we had a busy day.

This has been a terrible week in one respect.  We have lost three friends this week.  Two were expected really, for one was real old but on Thursday we were horrified when one of our best friends died of an unexpected heart attack during his lunch hour.  He is the man who lived next door to us on North Street & had the boy, David, with rheumatic fever.  His name was Rine & you probably remember him.  Will you call Gladys Halter & tell her that T. Rine died Thursday (the 16th).  They were friends.  He seemed fine in the morning, taught his classes, but had a pain in his neck & shoulder when he went home for lunch. He called the Dr. who told him to come to the office at 2:00.  T was hungry & ate lunch but he was so uncomfortable that Lola insisted he get ready & they would go on to the Dr.  They got ready, she went out to get the garbage cans from the street after the collector had been by.  When she got back in the house he was dying & that was all.  None of us can believe it has happened.  Tell Gladys that Lola is doing wonderfully but I know she would appreciate a note. The children go to college away from here & Lola is going to be alone the rest of the school year.  The girl is transferring to I.S.U. next year & that has been planned for a long time & now it will help.  T. was only 53 years old.

This is a sad note to end on but it's about all we can think of.  All of us are fine and hope you."

                         Lots of love,


NOTE:  Obviously distracted, the two words of the letter were omitted--"are too."

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