Wednesday, June 18, 2014

February 2, 1963 The Relief, The Teeth, The Pattern and The Organ Man

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"We have had a little relief in the temperature but it is dropping again & tomorrow we'll have 0° weather again.  This is one time I'd like to go South.  I told B he had better not get any job offers right now for we might be tempted.

I've hardly seen B this week but they haven't worked so late as some other times and it hasn't been too bad.  He was awfully tired last night but went to school early again this morning.

Ann & I just came from piano.  She is getting ready for the Springfield trip which comes in March this year.

Bob's teeth look so nice.  He wears a retainer all of the time to help close the small gaps which the bands left.  It looks like a partial plate but only a wire shows across the front of the teeth.  He may have to wear it for a year.  I marvel at the way this dentist works.  It is so slow but the results show careful work.  I hope Ann's look as well and I'm sure they will.

I went to a luncheon Thursday & to Quill Club that night even though the snow was flying, and we had a big crowd.

Bob made the H.S. honor roll for the last six weeks & for the first semester. They have to make A's & B's to be on it so we are pleased with him.  He and Malcolm went to the University radio station & made a recording about their science experiment with the mice.  It is to be broadcast Monday evening over the University station and the Bloomington station.  The school publicity office is preparing an article about it too and the photographer was here yesterday to get pictures but I don't know when that will be used.  It will come out in the paper I suppose or maybe in one of the University bulletins.

I cut out a dress this week but it's still pinned to the pattern & it will probably be spring before I get started on it.  I bought the shirtwaist pattern for Ann's Xmas material but haven't touched that either.

The church approved the plans so we hope work will begin soon.  The organ man will be here Wed. night to answer final questions so maybe next year at this time we'll be in our own building.

B should be here for lunch any time now so I'd better stop.  Stay in and stay warm so you won't have any more flu."

                      Lots of love,


NOTE:  Who didn't love the Beverly Hillbillies!  According the article in the Saturday Evening Post, one month after its debut it ranked #1.

Watch an episode from Feb. 6, 1963.


  1. The Beverly Hillbillies were fantastic! I loved watching repeats of them, along with many other great sixties shows such as Gilligan's Island, Andy Griffith, I Dream of Jeannie, and Bewitched (and of course the original Batman series with Adam West) when I was a little girl. That was such a magical, happy (and yes, often delightfully campy) time in TV land, the likes of which I'd argue have never quite been matched.

    Big hugs & happy (almost) summer wishes, dear Ann!

    ♥ Jessica

  2. Hi Jessica! Apparently retailers experienced a big jump in sales of jeans and plaid shirts--not to mention "Daisy Dukes"! And yes, campy is exactly what it was! Thanks for writing and welcome home from your trip--I'm so glad it was fun!


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