Sunday, September 1, 2013

September 21, 1957 A Busy Week, A New Black Hat, Some New White Gloves and An Old Dress

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"It has been another busy week.  Our two new buildings were dedicated Monday morning and I went to school for that.  There was a luncheon at noon that Toni had to go for so her kids all came home with me for lunch.

B had a church committee here Wed. night so I spent that day cleaning the house and made some pies with that Jello Instant Chiffon (pie mix).

I didn't get around to the ironing until today.  It's a little bigger now since school started.

B has been working every Saturday but we are going to take the children to the zoo in Chicago tomorrow.  We promised them we'd go all summer and didn't get to.  It should be a nice day to go but today has been rainy.  We were thankful for the rain.  Everything is so awfully dry.

We are going to a wedding Sunday afternoon and then to a tea at school for the new faculty people.  I am helping with the tea and would like to have a new dress for it but simply couldn't find one that I'd have.  I did get a new black hat and some new white gloves but will just wear one of my old dresses.  It has been hot so I'll probably wear a short sleeved dress instead of a suit.

I'm kind of dumb tonight.  I can't even think of anything to write so I guess I'll go take my bath.  Hope you both are fine."

                     Lots of love,


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