Wednesday, September 18, 2013

January 19, 1958 Bob is Ten, The Women Had a Good Time, The Men Started Working and Bonnie Buys a Petticoat

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"Well, Bob is ten today.  Seems like we've always had him and yet it doesn't seem possible that he can be ten.  We got him the BB gun he has begged & hoped & prayed for.  We may be sorry but his best friend got one for Xmas and we'll just have to have a lot of rules about using it.  Your package came yesterday and he was thrilled with everything in it--especially the sacks & informed me that he wanted them sewed together today.  He didn't want a party so we're having the Watterson kids here for supper tonight.  I have the cake made but not frosted yet.

I'm going to Heyworth, Ill. in the morning to talk to a Methodist Sunday School about Japan & then I have a talk to make to our own church women Wed. night.  I'm going to show slides to them but haven't got them picked out yet.

Sometime between now and 5:00 tomorrow I have to make some cookies for the college kids at the church.

The church women seemed to have a real nice time.  I had 16 and they stayed till almost 11:00.  Some of the girls washed the dishes for me and I was really glad.  I was tired because I had the program to give, too.  I was lucky about the refreshments.  One of the old ladies had a birthday so her daughter had a beautiful cake made & all I had to do was get ice cream & make chocolate sauce.  I made coffee & both black & green tea.  Most everyone wanted to try the green tea. 

The men started working upstairs yesterday.  I hate the pounding but I can't wait for them to leave for lunch so I can see how much they have done.  We are using plain pine paneling for the ends of the rooms & the kneewall.  Then 4" grooved paneling horizontally for the sloped part of the wall & ceiling tiles like Buddy used on the ceiling. 

I hope Daddy's glasses help him.  Did the Dr. say there was a cataract on the other eye?  I still wish he'd plan to go to the clinic here.  They have machines here that can even show the inside of the eyeball.

I hope Uncle Floyd feels better by now.  We had a letter from Mabel.  I guess her surgery is over by now.  Steve was having tests to locate the reason for the high blood pressure. 

Granny Watterson has gone to Florida for a while.  She talked a little about getting a job but didn't get much encouragement from Watty about it.

I ordered myself a fancy big petticoat to go with the Xmas dress you gave me.  The kids & B have all been after me to get one but I hadn't anything to wear one with but this summer I'll have that & another one I bought on sale.  It is black.

Next week is a busy one.  We have something extra almost every night & it's final exam week.

I'd better get Bob's cake iced."

                      Lots of love,


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