Sunday, April 29, 2012

January 8, 1947 Warm as Toast and Fixed by Sleep, The Weather Report, Plants and Cuttings and Back to Routine

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"I can't remember what I said on the card I wrote.  Anyway, we got home a little before eleven.  Our apartment was as warm as toast and Karl had told the milkman to leave our milk.  We were pretty tired but lots of sleep soon fixed that.

The roads were slick and covered in snow until we got over into Illinois. I told you when I talked to you that the roads were getting better.  The snow had been shoveled but the roads were wet--but not slick.  We spent that first night just at the edge of Vandalia, Ill. and had a good bed in a warm cabin.  We expected the highway to be frozen the next morning but much to our surprise it was dry.  So we sailed right along on good roads the rest of the way.  We seemed to keep right ahead of the storm and were so glad we started when we did.

We had another good snow night before last but it isn't so cold.  Yesterday afternoon I went with Aggie to take Jody and her friend to the ice skating pond just up the road.  Jody had some new skates and had so much fun she didn't want to come home.  We took the sled and I really had fun too.

I did about half my washing yesterday--all the white things.  The rest can be done with my regular wash next week.

The plants you gave me are just fine and I didn't take them out of the car a single night.  The cuttings B's mother gave me were a little wilted but maybe they will come out of it after awhile.

My yarn had come when I got home so I've been working on my afghan.  There is a tiny bit of difference in the shade but it will have to do.

We had some records from Bea and Sully too and lots of Christmas cards.

We are getting back into our old routine again and I hope to start my painting before long.

It was wonderful to see all of you.  Thanks for all the nice things you gave us.  Take care of yourselves."

                        Lots of love,

                             B & Bonnie

NOTE from Ann:  The President's news conference on the budget was on Jan. 8, 1947.  He began by noting,"Well, I am going to sit down and talk into this microphone, because this is--has every chance to be quite a long session."  For the full text:

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