Saturday, April 28, 2012

December 11, 1946 Getting Close, No Brown Polka Dot and In The Pot

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"The time is getting close, isn't it?  It doesn't seem like Christmas at all--not even the weather.  If it will only stay this way till after we make our trip!  Today is just like March.  The sun is bright and warm but it is plenty windy.  We still plan to leave on Saturday before Xmas and that means we'll probably be home late Monday afternoon.  Of course, that all depends upon the weather so don't worry if we aren't there Monday.  We might hit a snow storm somewhere along the way or we might have one here.  I won't write another letter for we will get there soon after it would.  You needn't write either unless there is something you want but you would have to write right back.

I'm so thankful you have taken a house at last.  I was afraid you were going to wait till all of them were taken.

I couldn't get the brown polka dot for you.  It was all gone and I didn't see anything else you would like except the pieces you already have.

The new term has started and B is knee deep in work again.  He doesn't have to go to Middletown this time for which he is thankful.  All four of his classes are at the college--from 10:30 to 3:20.  He took tickets at the basketball game last night.  There is a committee meeting till 6:00 today.

There is a faculty dinner tomorrow night but we are so busy trying to get ready to come home that we aren't going. We are going to one of the professor's homes Saturday night for supper.  We have a lot of entertaining we have to do after Christmas.  We wanted to do it sooner but never could find time.

There isn't any news and we'll be seeing you soon anyway, so put our name in the pot."

                    Lots of love,

                          B & Bonnie

NOTE from Ann:  UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) was founded on Dec. 11, 1946 to provide food for children in European nations ravaged by war.  UNICEF was a familiar name in our household growing up, particularly at Halloween when we "trick-or-treated for UNICEF" (for pennies and nickles) rather than for only candy.

And about the ad:   Pepsi was the drink of choice for Bonnie's mother.  Although I can't recall ever seeing Grandmother drink one, there were always plenty of tall, glass bottles in a carton, in her pantry at Christmas time.

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