Tuesday, March 20, 2012

April 7, 1945 Easter Sunday, The Shoes and "Uncle Tom's Cabin"

Easter Sunday Bulletin with Bonnie's notation
Dear Mother & Daddy,

"Happy Birthday, Mother!  I hope you have a nice day and have the little package by now.  I wish I could be home and bake you a big cake.

Did the cold weather kill the fruit?  We had a frost last night but the radio said that people put out smudge pots and think they saved the fruit.  It has been real chilly but is warmer today.

Last night we went to Hopkins to a program the boys were giving for their parents.  It was quite nice and there were lots of people there.  B spoke to Dr. Lovell last week about his job next year but they didn't settle anything.  He said it was a little early yet and he would have to wait till the board meets later before he could know how much they would pay.

Last Sunday we went to church and then to Coggers' for dinner.  The church was simply packed and it was such a wonderful day.  We had roast duck for dinner and it was so good.  After dinner we took a ride to the shore and took some pictures.

Tomorrow we're going to Schericks for dinner and then for a hike if it's nice.  We plan to take some pictures of their baby, too.

I have just about two more months of school and that will probably go very fast.  I still manage to get my reading done on time and am enjoying this semester's work a lot.  We will soon have the election for next year's Dames and then I won't have that to worry about.  It has really been a good experience for me but I'll be sort of glad to have it over with.

Friday is our anniversary.  That four years has gone by in a hurry.

B went to Teachers College this morning to hear some speakers from New York.  I had planned to go but decided I had better stay home and finish a book.  It was "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and is really a good book.  I never read it before and is one we have to read for literature class. 

B ordered some shoes from one of the stores and he's going down to see if they came in so I'd better stop and let him mail this.  There isn't any news so write soon."

                                   Lots of love,

                                             B & Bonnie

NOTE from Ann on Uncle Tom's Cabin:  Racist by today's standards, at the time of its first publication, 1852,  it provided significant power to the anti-slavery cause and was an immediate best-seller.


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