Saturday, July 2, 2016

January 29, 1977 The Today Show, The Baby Shower, The Grandma Moses Program, The Retired Friends and The Church Cookies

Dear Mother,

"It was good to talk to you last night. You had been on my mind all day after I saw the weather map on the Today Show. The weather was so terrible here. It is some better today & the road to Chicago is open now but the road back from Chicago is still closed. They hope to get it open this morning. The road to St. Louis is still closed. There are 10 ft. drifts that go for miles. It is the wind that has caused the dry snow to blow every which way and it caught everyone off guard even if we did have weather reports constantly.

I went to a baby shower on Thursday evening and had to drive carefully but it was all right until we came out of the house after the party. It had snowed a lot and the wind had come up. I didn't have far to drive but I was sure glad to get in my driveway. The girl is almost 40 and this is her first baby although she has lost several and had given up having any. The doctor says she is fine this time and I sure hope she is because she is so happy. She worked on my quilt show committee.

Thursday was a beautiful, sunny day and I gave my program on Grandma Moses for As You Like It Club. I didn't think many would be there but we had a big group. People are so tired of this weather and staying in that they try to go places when it lets up a bit.

I went to our knitting group on Monday night but was picked up & didn't have to drive. We had a good sized group for that, too.

So many of our retired friends have gone to Florida but it hasn't been warm there, either and I'd rather be at home. Larsens were supposed to leave for Florida today but I doubt if they try it.

I have to make cookies for a reception at our church tomorrow. An old couple in our church is celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary and the daughter is having this for them.

Stay warm and take your iron pills."



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