Friday, July 1, 2016

January 22, 1977 The Good Time, The Cream Puffs, The Inauguration, The Shake-Up and The Filling Station

Dear Mother,

"Yesterday was such a busy day I didn't get this written. The quilt committee came this morning for a coffee and so I spent yesterday getting the house cleaned and some baking done. When we have  a party of any kind the people are all over the house. I guess it is because our house is so open but people wander all over & look at everything. We did have a good time this morning but I just finished washing all the dishes.

We went to a dinner last night and our potluck group meets tonight. I take dessert and have made cream puffs but have just finished the pudding (custard) to put inside them.

Thursday was a better day than we've been having and the streets weren't so bad so I shopped for a few groceries and ran errands. Today is a beautiful day but it is still very cold.

Did you watch the inauguration? I thought it was all so nice. Bob said they didn't plan to go to any of the events. It was real cold and he was supposed to have the day off but he said he'd be working anyway. He has some baby chimpanzees he's giving shots of his vaccine so he has to take care of them. Pat's grandmother is still with them, I think.

Ann called this week, too. She had some questions about school to ask her dad so we both had a real good visit. She sounded so happy. Her school is working hard to desegregate next year. It is the only all-white school in the state and they have been ordered to bus the kids. It means a shake-up for the teachers too so she doesn't know whether she'll be in this same school next year. She doesn't care and has said she'd go to any place they needed her.

I knew Marjorie would like to have the quilt. She'll probably be happy to put it together, too, if that's hard for you to do.

I'm so glad the baby is here and I can't wait to hear what they name it. Did you say it came on the 18th? That is Bob's birthday you know, so he'll be happy to hear about the baby. He kept asking. I'd love to see Michelle's face when she sees it.

We finally got help from a filling station and got the Mustang going again Tuesday evening. It has been fine since but that 20ยบ below weather was too much for it.

All of us are having horrible heating bills this winter but there isn't much we can do about it. I guess we should be thankful we have the gas to heat with. Some parts of the country don't have enough natural gas and that must be awful. So keep warm and don't worry about it."



NOTE:  For the tried and true cream puff recipe, find it here on a 1952 post.

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