Thursday, May 19, 2016

February 14, 1976 The Spring Work, The Flu Bug, The Little Pig, The Pie Recipe and The Pieced Quilts

Dear Mother,

"The snow is gone at last. We had two really warm days and it disappeared like magic. A thaw like that is what used to give us water in the basement but there hasn't been any. The dirt around the foundation has settled into a ditch so our spring work is cut out for us. It looks like spring now and the grass is turning green but it is still cold.

I hope you got the roof fixed. Things like that can be such a worry.

B caught the flu bug from me but kept going. He did come home early a few days and we are both about all right. We get tired easily and still cough but that's all.

I had another one of my quilt committee workshops yesterday and we started making quilt blocks with flowers on them. The star blocks are really pretty. I don't have all of them yet but the ones that are done are pretty.

We are expecting Bob & Ann sometime tonight. They'll start after he gets home from work so that means it will be pretty late. He has Monday off so they decided it was a good chance to come home. They haven't been here since Thanksgiving.

I had a short letter from Bessie this week. It sounds as if they are getting along alright but I know it is hard for them. She said there was so much to do but it was too cold to do anything. Now that the weather has started to moderate maybe they can work a bit more.

Bob says Bobby smiles at them all the time except when he sees the camera. He doesn't like that. He still has to be fed at night but is growing like a little pig and happy as can be.

The pie recipe you sent is like the one I use and it sure makes a good pie. There were fresh strawberries in the store today but they were too high to even look at. I sent a dime to Henry Fields' for a package of some special tomato seeds but I don't know where I'll put them--in a flower bed, I guess.

You sure finish the quilt blocks in a hurry. Why don't you piece a quilt for a change? There are so many pretty patterns and you could do it by hand. It would take quite a while but would be fun, I'd think. You always picked such pretty colors when you were making pieced quilts. I still love that blue, rose & gold one you gave me long ago.

Hope you are fine."



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