Monday, January 25, 2016

October 20, 1973 The Nice Parade, The Tiny Frost, The Fall Dinner, The Bad Windows and The Breakfast Dishes

Dear Mother,

"This is homecoming day for the University so we have been to the parade. It was real nice with floats and lots of good high school bands. It is a perfect day for the parade and the football game this afternoon. The sun is bright and it isn't very cold.

Our yard is full of leaves but the trees haven't changed much in color. We had a tiny frost one night but it didn't seem to do any damage. I picked all the green tomatoes and made dill pickles from Beulah's recipe. I expected to have about 2 pints but got 4 pints. Those were the only jars I had so it's a good thing there weren't more.

The faculty women had their big fall dinner Wednesday night so I went to that and it was nice. I was on the committee so I am glad it is over. Last night the Quill Club met here so that's out of the way. I don't write at all anymore but still belong and I was asked to be hostess long ago so have to take my turn. It is easy for we don't serve refreshments except for a dish of candy or nuts--not even a cup of coffee. We gave that up several years ago and it is better for everyone.

I was surprised that the Dr. sent Uncle Francis home so soon but I'm sure the rest was good for all of them and maybe he won't object so much if they have to take him back again.

Why don't you just forget about washing the curtains and windows this fall? You always say they don't look any different so wait till spring. Our windows are really bad on the outside but B wants to wait until the leaves are cleaned up before washing them. That may be a while and it may not do any good with all the building going on around us. The apartment house is going up in a hurry.

Would you like me to send you the pattern I used for your blue whipped cream dress? That fits nicely and you could leave the pleats out if you want.

I finished my jacket dress yesterday. It is pretty heavy material so will be good for this winter. Now I just have a blouse to sew up and that will be all I have cut. I'm pretty tired of it.

I'd better clean up the kitchen. We left the breakfast dishes and went on to the parade.

Hope you are fine and have a beautiful day like we have here."



NOTE: In the October 17 news of 1973...


  1. See, this is another reason why you and Bob should travel west some time!

    1. Even that news broadcast was less alarmist than most of the stories are now. Thanks for the fun link. Since we enjoyed visiting the Spam Museum, we just might like this one:-)


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