Friday, November 13, 2015

May 19, 1972 The Frost, The Rolls, The Eggs, The Job and The Handguns

Dear Mother,

"It is warm at last and I've been making the most of it. I shampooed all the carpet one day and have worked out in the yard a lot. There is still quite a bit I want to do but I have the tomatoes out besides the petunias. The frost didn't completely kill the first tomatoes but they look so terrible I don't know whether they'll ever bloom or not. One peonie is beginning to open up and the Lilies of the Valley are blooming. They smell so good.

We went to a dinner Monday night and are going to one tonight. Tomorrow night we have our potluck supper and I take rolls. I have them made and ready to brown.

I finally got all the turkey eggs cut. I think I told you I was using a tool I use in my jewelry class and it is slow but does a good job. The eggs don't crack & break wrong so I have quite a box full of nice shells to work on.

We heard from Ann this week but still don't know any more about the Springfield job. They feel pretty sure they will get it but things can go wrong sometimes so I'm not banking on it too much until it is all settled.

You sure didn't waste any time working on my wool quilt. I wasn't in any hurry but I suppose you wanted it done before the weather got hot. I do appreciate it and will have to get busy finishing it up. Were there quite a few scraps left? I had no way to judge how many it would take and don't sew much with wool anymore since we have the double knits.

I'm glad the sweater fit. We were lucky this time. We sent B's mom house slippers and they fit too. Her package was so late and I mailed them both at the same time. It sounds pretty silly.

I am so thankful that George Wallace lived. Everyone seems to feel the same way, but they must outlaw handguns.

Even Mayor Daley was pleading for this but they say Wallace had opposed the bill. Maybe this will change his mind.

Bob K's mother & sister are going to Philadelphia next week to visit with the children. I wish we could go too but we don't have any idea about a vacation. We had hoped the children could all plan to go with us somewhere but that is out. Bob & Ann will probably be moving in August so we're waiting to find out what they will have to do. Maybe we can do it another time but the time is coming soon when Bob B. won't be free to take vacations.  He & Pat are fine. They'll probably be here next weekend but I don't know.

I have to go to the cleaners so I'd better get going before they close. Hope you are fine."

                      Much love,


NOTE: Even though our mom was not a Wallace fan by any stretch of the imagination, would have strong political opinions and a few choice words to say about Wallace as a political candidate, she was deeply concerned about guns in the wrong hands and fearful for the safety of all candidates. Of the Wallace shooting she would simply shake her head and say, "Another one."  Watch news coverage about the shooting below:


  1. I remember very well when George Wallace was shot on May 15th as I was at Fort Meade about five miles from Laurel, MD. Until news of the shooting came across the radio, I'd been feeling a bit euphoric because I was being discharged from the Air Force the next day. I fully appreciate your mom's view of handguns. For my money, it's past time to stop ignoring the phrase "well-regulated militia" and make drilling in an organized way part of the responsibility of gun ownership.
    On May 16th, I went to the personnel shop, turned in my ID, got my discharge paper, collected my final pay and drove to my sister's place in Virginia Beach before driving to my parents' new house near Melbourne, FL.

    1. It's funny how an event in history can paint a memory of something otherwise very happy and special, and never be forgotten. Unfortunately guns continue to be responsible for plenty of bad stuff, basically shared every night on the news. You must have felt a certain freedom on May 16, 1972, probably in combination with thoughts of what would come next in life.

  2. Great post Ann and I loved the video...time flies doesn't it:)

    1. Thanks, Pam. I'm always a bit shocked when I think how many years have passed since '72!

  3. Back in '68 I had a Wallace bumper sticker on the '54 Chevy, as a joke. Some people missed my humor (In Columbia, MO, a firmly liberal community) and the sticker got vandalized a few times. The car was nothing but heavy steel, so if it was vandalized, you couldn't tell it. I was a little nutty; could have been shot.

  4. Hi Unknown! Bumper stickers were some of the best on-the-road entertainment ever! Thanks for your comment and I'm glad you survived!

  5. Wow. I may not get to see the posts right away, but I always try to make time to catch up on things once a week at least. This was a wonderful post and I love Mike's Nov. 13th comments. I had not thought of those days in a long time.
    I can't say I liked Wallace, his views of where the Blacks should be in our society were definitely not mine. However not even the worst candidate this country had ever seen should have been shot. There was too much of that happening, and still is.
    The video was good to watch, brought back memories of days gone bye.

    1. Hi Margaret! I'm so happy to hear from you and glad that you enjoyed this post and Mike's great comments! I don't know of anyone who cared much for Wallace, particularly my mom who thought he was "off kilter in his thinking". The 1970s seem so close somehow, and in my age group the memories seem especially vivid. Thanks so very much for writing!


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