Saturday, October 10, 2015

September 4, 1971 The Old Paper, The Sightseeing, The Christmas Cactus, The Windows and The Mess

Dear Mother,

"You should see my beautiful kitchen. We started taking the old paper off last Saturday. Then I put two coats of paint on the cabinets and woodwork and finally got the paper on yesterday. It is sure bright but very pretty. The old curtains are worn out but are the wrong color anyway so I may look for some yellow ones today. It would be nicer if I could make them but I just don't have time.

Bob and Pat got home from Atlanta early Wed. evening but left Thurs. morning because she had to be at school at 1:00. Bob had a bad cold and didn't feel very well but B talked to him last night and he was beginning to feel better. He had slept most of the day while Pat was gone and that is what he needed. He doesn't have to go to school for another two weeks or so but will anyway when he feels better.

Ann called last Sunday so we'd know they were home and fine. She said she'd write us about their trip but we haven't heard this week yet. They had company so I imagine they have been sightseeing around and she hasn't time. We are also anxious to hear what she found out about teaching music this fall.

Tell Aunt Cliffie "Thanks" for the clipping. I'm going to take my Christmas cactus upstairs where it won't get so much light and maybe that will get it to blooming. I haven't had it outdoors this summer because I did that one year and the plant looked terrible when I brought it inside again.

I still don't have the binding on the baby afghan but am going to have to do it for the bazaar is next week. They asked if I wanted to work but I said "no". I don't like those things in the first place and then I have too many things to do in the house before school things get going.

B is washing the outside of the house and some of the windows. I've just been cleaning up after the papering mess. We worked till 1:00 last night so just left the mess till today. I had to scrape paint off the windows & wash them. I guess I'm a messy painter but the casement windows are hard to do.

It's getting close to lunchtime so I'd better do something about it.

I'd like to see one of the new quilt blocks. Do you like it? Don't work too steady at them & rest often."



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