Monday, October 12, 2015

September 19, 1971 The Temperature, The Good Night, The Big Place, The Two Luncheons and The Jewelry Class

Dear Mother,

"It is a cold, rainy day and the furnace is running. The temperature sure dropped in a hurry. Maybe you'd better have your furnace checked and a new filter put in so it will be ready when you need it.

This is registration time on campus so B has been busy. He spent the morning at school and hoped to mow the lawn but it has rained all day.

I planned to sew all day but didn't have the right color thread so let out some hems and did some laundry instead. We were out for dinner last night and are going again tonight but we'd sure like to stay at home. It would be a good night to watch T.V.

Bob has started his work. It is in neurology at St. Luke's Presbyterian hospital. It is a big place next to the med. school and he said he'd be there 10 weeks.

I'm glad you got to go to Club. None of mine have started yet but will be soon and I have to help with luncheons for the first two.

I wish I had been there when Mrs. Patrick called so we could have gone but I can see why you didn't want to go. Beulah will take you and then we'll go again when I come home. No telling when that will be. We're almost afraid to go out of town. This new president has everyone jumping. I'll be glad when he gets things settled like he wants them.

I don't know what to tell you to do about the tiller and I certainly don't know anything about its value but perhaps you'd better just let Marjorie have it for $50. if they really want it. Charlotte named her price on the car and I know that's a little different but we told them all about that, too. You should have something out of the tiller, though, and I wouldn't suggest that you sell it to just anyone for $50. until you had tried to get more. It will be worth less every year that it stays in the garage, though. Do as you please about it.

I had a letter from Bessie this week and everyone seems fine and the kids are happy in school.

I had my first jewelry class this week but I don't know how it's going to be. The teacher knows all sorts of crafts except jewelry. He mentioned lots of interesting things to do--leather, pottery, etc.--but I took the class for jewelry so it is disappointing.

It is getting late so I'd better take my bath and get dressed. Hope you are fine."

                   Lots of love,


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