Wednesday, September 16, 2015

January 3, 1971 The Back, The Food Poisoning, The Good Time, The New Quilts and The Nice Note

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"We were glad to have your letter today. You'd better leave off the liniment and heating pad because burns can be bad. Don't let the blisters get infected. I'm glad the back feels better, anyway. Lots of people seem to have arthritis. One of our friends has it so bad in one shoulder that the joint is calcified or something like that and the doctor is going to have to break it loose.

This week has been pretty quiet. We spent New Year's Eve with the same group of friends we've been with for years and have been home the rest of the time.

Bob K. came Wednesday afternoon but he was so sick when he got here that he and Ann haven't been doing much. We think it was food poisoning but it could have been one of the viruses, I guess. He was sick all night Wed. & most of Thursday and hasn't been able to eat much until today. He and Ann went to a show last night and they have had fun today. He'll leave tomorrow because his classes start Monday.

Ann got her semester grades today and they sure were beautiful. She was the happiest kid you ever saw because she was afraid some of the grades wouldn't be too good.

Bob & Pat got back from Atlanta about 7:00 tonight. They had a good time but the weather wasn't very good. It was rainy and cold. I was glad to have them back home.

I went to see a woman about quilting for me today. She has a long list so may not get to me before next summer but I'll have everything ready when she calls me. She said if she lives long enough she would get them all done. I have five or will have when I get this one done that I'm working on. It is the one B's mother started and gave back to me. I've been working on it this week and it is almost done. You have given me the others. There is a basket design (yellow, green, brown & unbleached muslin), a lavender & white, the pieced one of blue & yellow you sent me for my birthday one time, and that red cross-stitched one. It is so pretty. Ann tried to talk me out of it but I don't think I'll let her have it. My quilts are beginning to look pretty bad so I'm ready for some new ones. Besides, I really liked that red one.

I had a nice note from Aunt Nora. I didn't know her birthday was in December. When is Uncle Floyd's?

Ann plans to drive to Richland on Thursday, the 7th. She'll probably stay at Rosalynn's unless Tim is back but she'll be there until Sunday, I think. I think she wants to go to Jeff. City for church on Sunday.

Take things easy and I hope you both are fine."



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