Friday, September 18, 2015

January 17, 1971 The Flu Bugs, The Birthday Party, The Good Time and The Workshop

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"I'm almost afraid to send you this for fear I'll send you some flu bugs. It hit me Tuesday night and today is the first day since that I haven't any fever. The week has been a total waste because I couldn't even read but I think I'm about o.k.

We had planned to spend the weekend with Bob & Pat and celebrate his birthday but couldn't of course. B called them Thurs. night & they were cleaning house--getting ready to have a birthday party Friday night with some of their friends--all kids from Normal who are in Chicago. Bob will be 23. He seems much older than that in many ways. He certainly is a lot wiser than I was at 23.

We've heard from Ann twice since she got back to Fulton. She had such a good time in Richland. I wish she could come more often.

When the weather gets better why don't you move the workshop to the basement? Maybe B & I could help if we ever get there for a weekend and I don't know when that can be. That is where the shop ought to be & then Daddy could work there any time he felt like it. Some of the tools are noisy but they wouldn't be used too often. Then you could sell that land & building & be rid of it. The days get pretty long when there isn't much to do.

Stay warm & take care of yourselves."



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