Monday, August 31, 2015

October 11, 1970 The Nice Time, The Sweet Potatoes, The Little Violets, The Beautiful Letter and The Big Books

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"We had such a nice time with all of you last weekend but it was such a short visit I almost felt out of breath when we got home. I was glad to see Mrs. Simmons but we could have done the dishes if she hadn't stayed. We stopped in Springfield and ate supper so it was 8:30 when we got home. There was a lot of traffic but it was a beautiful day.

The sweet potatoes are just wonderful and cook so fast. I candied some tonight and baked some the other day. I cooked three tonight and there is still a casserole half full left. I still have the peppers but wanted to stuff them and didn't have the recipe I wanted to use and couldn't get my friend on the phone.

The little violets are perky as can be and blooming away. The foliage was sure wilted but I cut it down & pulled off the great big leaves and it seems to be all right now.

Bob & Pat came yesterday afternoon and will stay until Mon. afternoon. She has a holiday (Columbus's birthday).  Bob was real glad to have the Moss family tree but asked me first thing if we'd gone to the Elm Grove Cemetery. They had been to visit their friends in South Bend, Ind. & had gone up to Niles, Michigan and Cassopolis. They are close to South Bend & he couldn't stand to go by. He said Cassopolis is a tiny place but had a public library so he asked for a county history. They had 3 copies & he found the Rev. Adam Miller's biography in it and a print of the same picture which you have in your picture box. They also went to the cemetery where they found Sarah Kingsbury & other Kingsburys but no Kenastons.

We had one letter from Ann this week and she is fine and happy. Then today we had a letter from the family she likes so much. She gives the kids piano lessons and the man was her chorus director at school last year. They just wanted us to know how much they loved Ann & how wonderful they think she is. It was a beautiful letter and just came as a surprise.

My house looks pretty nice now but I hope I can start painting the kitchen by the end of next week. The dining room looks real pretty with the new walls & the new drapes. Sears made the drapes & they are real nice. I rented a machine and cleaned the rugs so I feel I have made progress on my cleaning.

Bob is sure enjoying med school. He goes to the classes which he feels he needs. Some of the classes for the first year students are the same he had last year and there are many other things he can do in place of them. That is the nice thing about his being a James Scholar.

He did buy the text books of the classes & is reading them. He seems to have a reading schedule set up for himself & brought two big books home with him. He'll soon go into the wards with a regular doctor and probably have a patient assigned to him.

That person will have a regular doctor but Bob will also watch after that patient. I think he's anxious to get started on this. He & Pat have made some friends & they have invited them over. They had two invitations for this weekend but wanted to come home.

They have gone to the football game. It is real cold but it was a beautiful, crisp day. They had decided not to go tonight & then a teacher called & offered us some tickets so they went.

Your deviled eggs were so good, Mother. I fixed some for supper last night. They disappeared like magic. I'll have to fix some more soon.

Take care of yourselves.  (The little stool is hidden away for Christmas.)"

                   Much love,


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