Sunday, August 23, 2015

August 8, 1970 The Apartment, The Bloomington Boy, The Confusion, The Vacation and The Acreage

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"Things are gradually falling into place for the kids. Bob had his required physical exam at the Medical School yesterday and they have an apartment in Chicago, too.  It sounds like a long way from where they both have to go every day but the bus and train are both very close and it is a nice area. Patty can drive in 20 minutes to her school or take the bus which she will do when the weather is bad. Some other med students live in the area so Bob will have company on his long ride. The apartment is unfurnished so they are scrounging around looking for a few things.

Pat's grandmother gave them some of her things so they have them in Atlanta and will rent a trailer to haul them here. They won't really know what they need until they see what they have already in Atlanta. The apartment has a hall, living room, bedroom & kitchen. There is a heated garage in the basement and a laundry. They are real happy about it.

I think I told you my doctor wanted to talk to Bob & then he had Bob call a Bloomington boy who is a med student at Illinois & is working in a local hospital. Bob spent an evening with the boy and came home all excited about school and the hospital work. He is going to spend a day in the hospital with the boy later.

The kids will have to put off their visit to you again. They are going to Atlanta Monday so they can be with Mike before he goes to Greece with the Air Force. I think Pat was worried she wasn't going to get to see him. They'll stay about two weeks and still hope to get to Missouri before September. Maybe by then I can come too.

Ann's school is over and she is sure happy. We will start getting her clothes ready for college next week. I think she is anxious to go back and has missed Bob K., of course. He writes often and calls occasionally and is coming next weekend. He's worked hard this summer and I guess it has been lonesome for him, too. Ann's toe is fine but it was real sore for several days and looked pretty bad.

I'm glad the Dr. said Beulah was o.k. She is probably just plain tired from all the confusion of getting her kids settled. It is a worry, no matter how happy they are. I'm tired too and will be glad when fall comes and everyone is back where they want to be. We're so used to an orderly schedule that it is tiring when things aren't in order.

We still don't know when we'll take a vacation. B is about worn out and really needs one but we had to see that the kids got things worked out first. He let everyone else schedule their vacations so has to be in the office now. The short courses begin next week and the summer session grades all have to be taken care of on Monday so this is a terribly busy time. He tries to rest a few minutes at noon every day but that doesn't help much. He's out looking for tires this morning. Ann's car has to have them before she goes back to Fulton.

It is pouring rain and we do need it. Our yard has really been neglected this year but I couldn't do anything about it.

I wish you could sell the acreage all right but I don't like the arrangement on the shop. Things like that usually don't last. Would the boy be willing to buy everything but the shop and have the option to buy it later when you decided to sell it? Do as you please about it. I certainly won't care but I don't want Daddy to end up without any place to putter and I believe the only way to be sure about that is for you to hold on to that shop completely until he's through with it.

Hope you both are rested up a bit."

                          Lots of love,


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