Wednesday, July 22, 2015

January 4, 1970 The Decorations, The Snow, The Same Crowd, The Red Quilt and The Little Cold

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"It just doesn't seem possible that Christmas is gone and a new year already started. Bob & Pat should be back in Williamsburg by now and it hardly seems they were here at all, much less spending a week in Atlanta. I took the Christmas tree down today but haven't got any of the decorations put away. I piled everything on the ping pong table but I heard kids playing ping pong today so no telling where the decorations are. I had planned to sort everything out better than I had last year.

It is very, very cold here and we've had a snow on the ground since before Christmas. Ann and some kids have been sledding twice and really had a good time. Kids pass here with ice skates so I guess they all like the cold weather.

Ann has been sewing and doesn't have any trouble with the machine. She made a pair of slacks and is working on a vest to go with them. I think she even surprised herself. I finally got the velvet pantsuit done but it almost did me in. It is terrible to sew on but looked cute and she wore it New Year's Eve. A lot of her high school friends were together for a party. They are sure scattered over the country at different schools.

B & I had supper and spent the evening with the same crowd we've been with for ten years or so. The group used to be a big one but there were only 14 this year. We had a potluck supper this time.

I'll bet the red quilt is pretty. It has been a long time since I touched my embroidery but I'll start again one of these days.

Ann wanted a long scarf so I'm knitting on that now. We hunted up some old yarn I'd had a long time and it is knitting up just fine.

B has to go to Chicago tomorrow for a meeting but will be back tomorrow night. Ann and I will probably stay in if it is still this cold.

I have a little cold but don't know where I picked it up. I hope it is gone by Monday for that is when I report for jury duty.

Hope you both are fine and stay that way."

                              Lots of love,


NOTE:  Abbey was right. Read about the Voting Rights issue and the Court's decision here:

The red quilt, pictured above, was a simple cross-stitched quilt which has held up for 45 years as our Christmas tree skirt.

Happy New Year!

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