Thursday, July 16, 2015

December 13, 1969 The Parties, The Boxes, The Zip, The Summons and The Errands

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"I've been writing Xmas letters until my fingers will hardly work. Most of the them are done so maybe I can clean up the house and put up some decorations.

This has sure been a busy week. There have been so many parties and we have three tomorrow. They are mostly coffees but I went to one luncheon and they are nice because you see many people you don't see very often.

I'm helping with two coffees tomorrow--just seeing that cookies are on the table and that sort of thing. I told B I could have a coffee if I didn't have to help so many others.

Your Xmas boxes are on the way. There are two boxes and you should have them soon. Christmas is not until December 25th so don't peek unless the box looks damaged. They are insured.

Ann had told us about meeting Agnes. She couldn't remember her name but imitated her and we knew right away who it was. Ann's semester will end before Xmas vacation and she's home until the middle of January. It is longer than usual this time because of the change in the semester. It is nice because she won't be worrying about exams during vacation.

I just finished writing a Xmas card to Aunt Nora & Uncle Floyd. I sent it to Burge and hope they get it for I don't have the zip for Springfield. I mailed another card sometime ago but don't know whether it arrived or not because I didn't have the room number. I sure feel sorry for both of them. That hospital is a wonderful place but it is a tiring place to be and staying away from home so long is worse. I wish I could go see them but there isn't a chance I'll get to.

Did I tell you I had a summons to appear for jury duty in January? Everyone says it is a wonderful experience but I could get along without that experience. Of course, they might not use me at all but I have to appear.

We have to run some errands so I'd better stop and comb my hair. Hope you both are fine."

                            Lots of love,


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