Friday, June 12, 2015

March 21, 1969 The Notion to Party, The Bat Mitzvah, The New President, The Garden and The Meetings

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"We've had another spring day so maybe the weather will be nice by the time you come. Ann is real anxious to come home & will be here Friday. She'll go back the day after Easter.

Bob called one evening just to talk. They will go to Atlanta a week from today. Patty is enjoying her practice teaching but is working hard at it. They have a few flowers out and the weather has been wonderful.

This has really been a week. I guess everyone gets the notion to have a party when the weather gets pretty. I had Quill Club Friday & went to As You Like It Thursday besides three coffees. Two of them were today and I just hate Saturday parties, but I went.

Last night we went to the Jewish Temple to a Bat Mitzvah. That's a celebration for a girl when she becomes 12 and is ready to be a part of the congregation--sort of like our joining the church. It was a beautiful worship service--music, prayers, scripture (both in English and in Hebrew)--it was from Leviticus. Each of us had a prayer book & a printed program. The Rabbi told us when to read together & it was very interesting. The music was just beautiful but rather mournful. The prayers were mostly for peace and the brotherhood of all mankind. The whole service was very meaningful. Afterwards they had a reception with coffee, tea & Kool-aid for the kids besides all kinds of Jewish cookies. The family sent out invitations just like a wedding and the Temple was packed.

Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington has had a new president since last fall but they didn't inaugurate him until today. I didn't go but B represented SMSU. We had a letter from Dr. Mallory sometime ago asking us if one of us would do it. They still keep my name on their lists even though I didn't finish there and they send me all notices about homecomings, too. Wesleyan had a full day of things but B had a meeting at our own school this morning & then went to Wesleyan in time to be in the parade & the inauguration.

I had another nice letter from Beulah this week. She didn't say how Noel was. I guess she's dreaming about her garden now that they've had some nice weather. I would like to get the litter raked up before things get started. The jonquils are up & will grow fast if the sun stays warm. The mimosa looks as if it is alive. I hope so but this has been such a terrible winter it is a wonder it lived thru. The bark looks greenish though, so I'm hoping.

B has a meeting tonight so is getting ready to go. Some man is looking for a job & B has to see him for awhile.

I want him to mail this as he goes to his meetings so will say bye."



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