Thursday, June 4, 2015

January 24, 1969 The Fog, The Cleaner World, The TV, The Shower and The Wedding

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"The weather is at it again. It is terribly cold and snowing. Yesterday was rather balmy so when the weather man started warning about freezing rain & what was coming I went to the grocery store. After we had that blizzard three years ago I don't trust this weather.

Everything has been so terribly dirty but we had a hard rain yesterday and it washed the dirty snow off. At least, the world looks cleaner this morning. We have had fog most of the week. One of the secretaries from school lost her way in it going home one evening and wandered all over the country before she could fine her way.

I watched TV most of Monday. I set up my ironing board so I wouldn't lose the whole day but I sure didn't miss much of the inauguration. It was really very nice. I think Nixon will do the best he possibly can. He wanted that job so badly and I hope he'll be the best president we have ever had. Time will prove Johnson to be a great one and newsmen are saying now that Lady Bird is the best first lady we've ever had--Perhaps, but I think Jackie Kennedy did more for America than any so far. I saw the Lebanon band and it looked good. The only sour note in the whole day and evening was Goldwater's nasty remarks to newsmen. It's too bad he was ever sent back to Washington.

Yes, I remember Mr. Hough. Did he have cancer?

How long does Charlotte plan to go to school? I haven't heard from Beulah nor written to her since Christmas. I have a stack of letters I got at Xmas time that I want to re-read & answer some of them. Maybe we'll get to see Charlotte sometime when we go see Ann but I don't know when that will be.

She still hopes to come home next Wednesday but I sure hope the weather gets better. If it is bad here I'll talk to her on the phone that day.

I don't know just when Bob & Pat are through with exams. Pat was starting to worry when she was home. She's a good student but I guess her math is awfully hard now. She says one tiny little mistake can make a big difference in her grade. I couldn't even begin to understand some of the problems she was doing. Each one takes more than an hour to do.

I'm going to a kitchen shower for a friend's daughter-in-law to be this morning. I hate to get out but will enjoy it after I get there. B & I are going to another wedding Saturday evening and I hope things are better by then. I don't suppose these kids will have a honeymoon now for the boy is in school here & there are only a few days between semesters. Their fathers are both faculty people. The boy hopes to be a doctor and the girl is studying nursing.

I got a permanent this week. It looks pretty fuzzy now but will be fine after it's washed and it certainly feels better.

I guess I'd better get dressed. If the phone rings & I have a long visit then I'm apt to be late for the shower if I'm not ready to go.

Hope you both are fine."

                             Lots of love,


NOTE: The "future" seems to be the theme of the year for 1969, almost as if there was a need to bid the turmoil of 1968 a swift good-bye.

Tomorrow's post will include a bit on the inauguration.

Life's feature on Catherine Deneuve included the photo below with her comment, "About tomorrow, I have no excitement; merely, as Jean Cocteau used to say, a curiosity".

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