Sunday, June 7, 2015

February 15, 1969 The Suit, The Egg Shells, The Jello, The Shortcut and The Paper

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"I've sewed off and on all week trying to finish my suit. I started out to make a coat and managed to get a skirt too but it seems as if it has taken forever to make the thing. I've spent all afternoon doing the handwork on the coat and still have buttons to sew on. I think that will finish the coat but the skirt doesn't fit right. The zipper isn't in right & that's always disgusting.

Wednesday morning I went to a Faculty Women's meeting to learn how to make Easter eggs out of empty egg shells. That was interesting & fun. I've made two and they are beautiful things. I have been saving shells so I'll make one every chance I get and maybe by Easter I'll have enough for a centerpiece.

We are going to a potluck supper tonight and I have to take the salad. I found a new recipe for a sort of slaw made with jello & it turned out real pretty & good. So that's what I'm taking.

Bob & Pat were planning to go bird watching at Cape Hatteras this weekend with some people in the chemistry department. Patty's leg was better but she was going to see the specialist on Wednesday. It mustn't be too bad or they couldn't do much at Hatteras. We are anxious to hear what the Dr. says, though. She wouldn't complain and miss the fun if it was hurting like everything.

We have had some beautiful days but it stays terribly cold and I've heard the cardinals singing only once. The days are much longer though, so spring can't be far off.

Ann's grades came this week and they were real good. We were really happy. She is taking organ lessons this semester & thinks she is going to enjoy them. She is supposed to practice twice a week on the church organ so that will mean some extra exercise getting over there. It's quite a ways from campus but maybe the kids know a shortcut.

I don't have much on next week's calendar so I hope I can catch up on my ironing & my sewing. I do have to read a paper at As You Like It  for another woman and haven't even looked at it yet.

Hope both of you are fine."

                          Lots of love,


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