Thursday, May 7, 2015

July 27, 1968 The Stack, The Meeting, The Freshmen, The Vegetables and The Sweeper

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"I haven't done much of anything at home this week except sew. Time is getting short and I have a stack of material I'd like to get made up but Ann will probably start school with only some of it. Two cottons and a robe are done except for hems & buttons. I don't think I'll ever make another thing out of terry cloth. Every seam has to be frenched or finished some way because it ravels. It took twice as long to finish the robe as it should have.

I have a jumper about half done, another one cut and ready to sew & a dress-up brown dress ready to sew. Ann got a big envelope of materials from Wm. Woods this week telling about school so it helps to know some of this. There will be a formal reception at the beginning so that's the reason for the brown dress. It is dacron crepe.

B had a meeting in Urbana on Thursday afternoon so we went along and shopped. Ann has saved her money all summer so we found her a corduroy suit, a wool dress and a cotton shirt.

Bob wrote that he & Pat may come home for a few days after Labor Day. They are going back to school earlier than we expected because he has to help with Freshmen, I guess. He's done this every year but we had forgotten about it. We hope they can come. It would be so hard for us to go after the Mustang.

We are still eating vegetables I brought from Richland. The potatoes may be scarce but they sure are good. I pickled part of the beets & had part with butter. We haven't had any squash in a long time but always like them just sort of steamed. Some people mash it like potatoes.

My tomatoes are beginning to turn. We had a hard rain last night & I told B we would have ripe tomatoes by Monday if the sun came out. It is shining now so I hope I'm right. They are too high to buy.

We have our potluck meeting tonight and I'm taking ham. I went to a coffee this morning so wanted to fix something easy & it was on sale this week.

I must run the sweeper to get some of the threads up so I'd better get at it."





  1. I'm always intrigued by the slight differences in our county's words. Tomato Catsup is called Ketchup here. Interesting as ever. :-)

  2. A say toe-may-toe and you say toe-mah-toe:-) but catsup is ketchup!

    1. Rather, I say:-) Although "Ah say" does have a southern twang to it!


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