Wednesday, April 8, 2015

November 11, 1967 The Sun, The Cuban Refugees, The Grapenuts, The Coffee and The Cream

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"We got back home about 6:30 Thursday evening. The girls had already gone to choir practice so we didn't see them until almost nine. They were fine and had gotten along real well. It was a beautiful, sunny day but we had one cloudy, rainy day. The rest of the time was nice. I sat in the sun and read and was just plain lazy those few days.

The University of Miami arranged a tour of the school and the city for us on the rainy day so it didn't spoil anything. The meetings were spaced so we had time to take walks and have some time together. I could have gone to some of the talks but didn't want to. There were a few other wives there but none of us had a chance to get acquainted. Key Biscayne is new looking and lots of building is going on. Land is so precious there and in Miami that things seem very crowded. It is interesting but I don't think I'd care to live there unless I had to for my health or for some special reason. Some of the older streets remind me of New Orleans and there is a lot of Spanish spoken in the old part. The tour guide pointed out the building where the Cuban refugees are processed and they are still coming by the hundreds.

It is a little hard to come home and have to get busy at once but that's the way it is. We went to the new President's home for a buffet supper last night and tonight we go to our monthly potluck. I have to take rolls but I'll just have to get some at the store. Ann has gone to a meeting at one of the local high schools and has several other things to do today. She is as busy as any of us.

Bernice came home from Mayo's on Thursday and is doing just fine. She is tired and a little sore where the stitches were removed but it is just like a miracle to have her doing so well. The gall stones look like grapenuts--the color, shapes, size and everything. She can eat things that she hasn't eaten for months and will be able to live a normal life. Of course, she can't overdo because of the heart but she can do lots of things. One valve doesn't close as it should so she takes medicine for that.

We didn't hear from Bob this week.  He must have thought there wasn't any use in writing since we weren't home. This was exam week too and he was probably studying real hard.

I must stop and go to the store. I have to fix coffee for the social hour at church tomorrow so I have to get cream and stuff for that.

Hope you both are fine."

                      Lots of love,


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