Saturday, April 11, 2015

December 9, 1967 The Fire, The Weather, The Meetings, The Show and The Letters

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"I have too many irons in the fire so I'm behind with everything. B and I spent yesterday trying to get our Christmas shopping done so I didn't get my letter written. It rained all day long and is still raining off and on.

I hope the weather clears up before next Saturday for Bob will be flying home that day. We still don't know the time because he hadn't picked up the reservation but will tell us in this week's letter.

B has had meetings almost every night this week and I've been trying to get our cards out and a lot of other things done.  I cut out a white wool dress a long time ago but it is still on the pattern and I won't even try to have it made by Christmas. There are lots of things going on and I'd like to have it to wear but have given up.

Ann was in a school program this week so we went to that. It was a variety show to make money for the speech and dramatics clubs so they could enter contests and things like we used to do.

They had a good show and a good crowd. Their chorus Christmas program is this next week.

We all had letters from Anna, the Italian girl. She had such a good time and was such fun. She said our church was different but she enjoyed it. I was surprised that she wanted to go rather than go to Mass for I told her we'd get her to Mass if she wanted to do that. A few years ago she would have had to go to Mass. I guess that points out how different things are now.

The wool quilts I have are about 80 x 100. The blocks are 10" finished and it is a real nice size. It is pretty heavy but has a heavy flannel back. So if I put sateen or something like that on, it would be lighter but still warm. You make it like you want to when you're ready to start and there is certainly no hurry. Work on it when you want to for I sure hate to have to work on something when I'm not in the mood.

I have a stack of Christmas letters to write so I'd better get at them. I have to make a batch of cookies this afternoon and we're going out for dinner.

Hope Daddy feels fine again and that you are both all right."

                        Lots of love,


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