Thursday, March 19, 2015

July 15, 1967 The Big Pies, The Wedding Anniversary, The Car Insurance, The Paints and The Mimosa

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"I didn't get up very early but have been on the go ever since so it's good to sit a bit. We had a big bag of apples given to us so I've made a couple of big pies and still have apples. The apples are green so should be all right for a long time.

This week has gone by in a hurry and I haven't got much done around the house. Audrey (Malcolm's mother) was here one morning for me to help her with some sewing. She was making a plain dress but had forgotten everything she ever knew about sewing. We have seen Malcolm just once this summer. He works long hours and has a lot of dates in the evening.

Jean Washburn (Bruce's mother) came one morning and stayed awhile. She is going back to work right away but is trying to get a job in the library at school. She doesn't want to teach. She looks better and is getting rested now.

Polly's folks had their 25th wedding anniversary on Tuesday but the kids had a surprise reception for them Sunday. We went for awhile and they were so happy about everything. Maybe I told you that Polly's mother is going to school this summer in Urbana. Her Dad has gone to work at the University here as a carpenter.

The picture was our anniversary picture. We've had them a long time but I wanted to color them before we sent them and just didn't get around to doing it. Then one day, I got out my paints & a stack of pictures & went to work. It took all day. B has been calling me Queenie since your letter came but he says nobody called him Prince Phillip. When we were in Japan, a Japanese woman told me I looked like Elizabeth.

I have my spice shelf all ready to decorate but that will probably take another six months. The base color is off white so it took three coats and some sanding between. I have to buy some oil colors & a brush to do the designs.

I haven't ready my Manchester book, yet. Everyone says it is so realistic that I want to feel pretty good when I start it so I won't weep over every page. You can read mine one of these days if you want to.

Bob called this week to check insurance details with B because one of the teachers had backed into the side of our car and Bob wanted to find out if he'd handled it all right. It happened in the school parking lot and the teacher was at fault & had his insurance man on the job right away.

We don't know just how long Bob will be home. It depends upon when they finish the project. Some bigwig was to be there this week to check on it. We are planning to go by Williamsburg on our way to Cape Hatteras for a few days. We'll take Bob with us for the weekend. he has never been there and Ann has never been to Williamsburg. We'll tell you more of the details later. Our vacation is kind of messed up with the appointments and the kids involved in different things.

The mimosa seems all right and is growing. Every time we have a strong wind storm some of the leaves turn brown, though. I water it often and maybe it will be o.k.

Hope you both are fine."

                      Lots of love,



  1. How sweet! You are such a great daughter! I am so inspired by you. My parent’s 50th anniversary is about to come and I would like to reserve a pretty location for vows to host their surprise anniversary party there. Thanks for the idea!

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful comments! I'm so happy that you have found something of interest in the letters:-) I also owe you a very BIG thank you because I just realized that I didn't post the anniversary photo of my parents on this post! I hope you have a wonderful celebration for your parents. They will be honored! Thanks again.


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