Tuesday, March 17, 2015

July 1, 1967 The Half-Gone Day, The Funeral, The Mimosa and The Picture Frames

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"The day is half gone & I haven't done much of anything. B is washing the car and Ann is just loafing.

Yesterday, I cut out a black voile dress but didn't do anything else on it. The material had been given to me several years ago and I never did do anything with it. I don't know how it will look but there are several affairs coming up at school so I could use it. I poured at a reception for visiting faculty members on Thursday. We always have a lot of different teachers here just for the summer.

Bruce Washburn's father died Monday morning so I've been out there a couple of times this week and we went to the funeral Wednesday. His mother will stay in the farm house until September 1 and then move into town in a small apartment. Bruce is transferring to Drake in Iowa and Nancy will teach in Iowa next year.

Parsons College is having its problems again but I saw in yesterday's paper that they have been given a little more time on their accreditation. Roberts is out, though, and I wonder where he'll go. We had heard it rumored a month ago that he was being fired.

The mimosa seems to be growing. The root system almost filled the keg. Maybe I didn't even tell you we had set it out. We keep watering it and it appears to have taken hold although the wilted leaves have all turned brown & are coming off. I don't think there are any more falling, though.

Don't worry about picture frames for me, Daddy. One of these days I may bring some molding for you to miter but I'm in no hurry.

We didn't know Steve & Sally were even thinking of selling their house. It is awfully small for their family now.

I must get some work done so bye for now."



NOTE:  Twiggy was in the news for the entire summer of 1967.  I remember Mom's comment,"She's got a real sweet face and would be a real cute girl if she'd put on a few more pounds!" Watch here for some fun video clips:

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