Friday, February 13, 2015

November 6, 1966 The Fairly Nice Day, The Two Receptions, The Church Work, The Lift and The Turnips

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"B & Ann have gone to the ball game. It's a fairly nice day after a rainy night and it is the last game of the year but I didn't feel like going. I got sick Wed. night and I guess I have had the flu. Anyway, I can eat now and am all right except I'm awfully draggy.

This has been a full week anyway. Monday I was on the telephone most of the day making final plans for the As You Like It dinner to be Thursday night.

Tuesday, I went to a writers' workshop and a birthday party for Faith Larsen. Wednesday morning I went to Faith's for coffee. B had to go to the dinner Thurs. by himself or rather without me. I had invited another couple as our guests and then we were taking the speaker and his wife since they didn't know any of the people. So B had to go and take them or he would have stayed home. He sure hated to go because he doesn't know many of the club members either. He enjoyed it afterwards, though.

There are two receptions this afternoon but B is going alone. Tomorrow is the dedication of our new high school auditorium and I do want to go to that because Ann is in the program.

Ann begins her church work this coming Thursday. We will always go with her to choir practice because that is at night but she'll probably go alone to church most of the time. I'm a deaconess and Nov. is my month to help fix communion or I'd go with her at first. She'll do fine but I'd like to be there to hear it. She will have to play Christmas morning but if the weather wasn't too bad we would probably come home the next day or two for a short visit. What are you going to do Thanksgiving? Bob has only the weekend so I know he won't try to come home. He had planned to go to Washington but I don't know whether those plans still hold or not.

He called last Saturday--the first time this semester. He sounded so happy and fine. It always gives me a lift to talk to him. His work is hard but he's keeping up. It is too early for grades yet except an occasional one.

We had lots of little "trick or treaters" but no soaped windows.

I wish I had a few of Daddy's turnips. I went to a cooking school Tuesday night and the chef showed how to make roses out of turnips. I haven't had a chance to try my luck at it.

Hope you both are fine. Take good care of yourselves."

                       Lots of love,


NOTE: After a particularly long day on the phone Mom once said, "I'm going to wear this thing out unless I toss it out the window first!"

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