Tuesday, February 17, 2015

December 11, 1966 The Little Things, The Music Program, The Turnips, The Minister and The Buckets

Dear Mother & Daddy,                Saturday Night

"We just came home from the play and Ann hasn't come from the ballgame yet. We ran around all day today and I didn't get this written. There were just a lot of little things to do and there were so many people everywhere that it took twice as long as usual. Your package is on the way. I put Jerry's lamp in it and hope it gets there without getting mashed.

I have about finished my Christmas card list but it has taken a long time because so many had to have notes written. I still want to write to Uncle Floyd & Aunt Nora and today I had a note from Ruth so I was glad I hadn't written to them yet. She invited us for Christmas dinner but we won't be able to go, of course.

Bob will be here the 20th as planned if the weather doesn't get so bad he can't fly. He had the 24 hr. flu but was all right when he wrote--said his girl had it, too. I guess that sort of thing has been all over the country.

One of Ann's friends from Mason City and her parents are coming to Normal tomorrow and are taking us to dinner at noon. Then we'll all go to a music program at school in the afternoon. Then we go to a dinner tomorrow evening.

I never will get all the turnips used up before they dry up. They are sprouting now. I gave a few of them away but not very people like turnips. I also tried making the roses out of them and it worked pretty well.

I don't think Bob's bringing anyone home with him. He hasn't mentioned it. The boy from Puerto Rico went to New York for Thanksgiving but I thought I'd tell Bob he could bring him at Christmas if he wants to. He had gone to private schools in the U.S. his last three years of high school & will probably fly home at Christmas.

We had a minister visiting here on Wednesday and we went to lunch with him and a lot of other church people. Then I fixed the coffee table at the church for people who wanted to meet him. Our minister retires in Feb. so we're shopping for another one. This man was nice but he doesn't want the job. He's from St. Louis and probably wouldn't be making as much here but I think the price of property is what scared them off. They live in a parsonage and our church doesn't have one anymore. It got run down and we had an offer to sell it and did. Our minister wanted to buy his own house.

Our warm weather is over, I guess. It started raining this week and poured buckets on Wednesday. The temperature began to drop and it has tried to snow all day today. A little snow would be all right but I don't want ice.

I guess I'd better go to bed. Tomorrow is a full day and I'm not much good when I don't get my sleep."

                 Lots of love,


NOTE:  Watch the CBS Christmas greeting from December of '66:


  1. I do enjoy seeing your images from the past, especially those Christmas Cards.

    1. Thanks so much! And I thank you with apologies for taking so long to reply to your always thoughtful comments! I appreciate each reader and each letter read:-)


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