Thursday, July 10, 2014

July 4, 1963 A Little Rain, A New Linen Dress, A Cardiogram and A Bushel of Ironing

Good Housekeeping, April, 1963

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"At last we have had a little rain & it is still sprinkling.  We need a week of it, though.  It has been cool over the holiday & so quiet with all the students gone.  Bob & Ann each had a friend stay all night the 4th & they all stayed up to see the late, late show on T.V.  This morning is cool & cloudy & they are still sleeping to make up for it, I guess.  We stayed around home & worked on the fourth & then went to the park to see the fireworks there but didn't stay long.  There was a real mob there & we had a time finding a parking place.

I'm so glad Daddy feels better.  Did he get the riding mower to work?  I think you'd better put something in part of the yard that wouldn't take so much care but I don't know what it would be.

Tell me about your new linen dress.  B's mom said you looked so pretty when you went to the wedding with them.

Bill is about all right.  He was to be checked again yesterday.  He & Toni came over one morning for a few minutes.  His activity has been very limited & he's been taking penicillin to ward off pneumonia which often follows such a thing.  The x-ray showed some water in the lungs but not much.  They even did a cardiogram on him.  When I think how close he came to dying it makes me sick all over for it is a miracle that he is alive.  He had stopped breathing when the life guard got him.  There has been lots of publicity on it & that life guard must feel like a real hero & he is, of course.

I have been trying to find some ads in the papers about Lake Taneycomo or one of the fishing spots in Mo. where they have cabins.  Will you look in the Sunday Springfield paper?  Our old neighbors who take Bob fishing so much would like to rent a cabin for a few days & can't find a place to go.  They would like southern Mo.  They took Bob again last week & they had a time.  They waited for him to come from school & then stayed till 10:00 that night--had a picnic supper.  I hope Bob never disappoints them for they think he's special.

The papers were full of glowing ads yesterday but I was disgusted when I went downtown.  I think a lot of the stuff had been brought in for the sale.

I think I told you that Ann had invited some girls to visit a few days.  Only one of them has said she'd be here next week so far.  If they come without saying so I'll feel like tossing them out for I won't know whether to get ready for them or not:-)

I had better stop & straighten the house a bit.  A bushel of ironing has to be done, as usual.  Take it easy, Daddy, & don't try to do much work."

                             Lots of love,


NOTE:  In the news:

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