Sunday, June 1, 2014

September 30, 1962 Sunday School, Quill Club, A Spring Chick and As You Like It

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"I'm late again but I've got so many irons in the fire I don't know whether I'm coming or going.

We have been to Sunday School but came home to get some things done.  B worked on the car most of yesterday and put anti-freeze in & got a start at fertilizing the yard.  He is trying to get it finished now before it starts raining hard.  It keeps trying.

We have been working hard all week.  We are going to have the new single faculty for coffee next Sat. afternoon so I've been trying to finish my cleaning.  I took the bedroom drapes to the do-it-yourself cleaners & they came out fine.  I also took the covers off my couch cushions & they sure look better.

I got my green stamp books filled & got my two walnut end tables yesterday.  They are real nice & made by Bassett.  They were a special order item so I had to wait about a week for them.  They have an oiled finish so I'm going to have to be careful they don't scratch before I can do some polishing on them.

The radio cabinet hasn't come yet and I'm getting madder every day.  It is beginning to sound fishy.  If it wasn't so far to Chicago we'd go see about it but I'm going to write another letter.

November, 1962
We haven't had a chance to look for Ann's coat.  She thinks she wants a tan one with a raccoon collar.  Kids her age have funny ideas. 

I would like to visit with both Maxine and Ida for a few minutes.  I haven't been able to write a thing since school started but I did go to Quill Club anyway this week.

I went to a luncheon on Thursday, too.  It is a club I joined last spring and one of the oldest clubs in town.  It is called the "As You Like It" club but their programs are always book reviews.  I first said, "No", when I was invited to join but some friends talked me into it and they promised I wouldn't have to entertain or give a program this first year.  These women are not school people so it is a different kind of group.  Most of the women are old & I feel like a spring chick but they are real nice.  The woman who gave the program Thurs. is 81 years old and did a wonderful review.

The leaves are beginning to turn & fall.  We'll soon be having to rake.

Hope you both are fine."

                          Lots of love,


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