Friday, June 6, 2014

November 3, 1962 The Bunch of Men, The Talk on Formosa, The Trick or Treaters and The Potluck

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"It looks like it might snow any minute but it isn't cold enough for that.  It is awfully quiet around here.  I just took Bob to one of his friends' house where he's spending the night.  B has gone to a meeting in Macomb and won't be back till suppertime.  He left at 7:00 this morning so it has been a long day.  Ann hasn't come from school yet.  Bob's classes are out almost an hour before hers are.

Ann sprained a finger in gym on Wed. and it is terribly sore.  She went to bed crying last night but it was better this morning. 

Our kids didn't do a thing about Halloween this year but we sure had a lot of trick or treaters--so many real little ones.

We've been busy this week.  Ann had her first organ lesson Monday night.  That is the only time the teacher could take her.  She has done pretty well with the extra practice in spite of the finger.

I went to a luncheon Wed. and B had a bunch of men here for a committee meeting that night.  While they were here I went to school to hear a talk on Formosa & got back in time to make coffee for the men.  One of our professors spent the summer in Formosa & his talk was real interesting.

I wrote to Bessie and told her we'd be there for Thanksgiving.  I hope all of you will go.  Looks like Beulah's family could go for the day.  It would be hard, I know, but we all aren't together very often.

I finally finished my tablecloth and have it all ready to use.  It is real pretty but I couldn't get all the design to come out & I put bleach in the water, too.

We are going to a potluck supper tonight & I have to take dessert so I'm taking apple cake with whipped cream.  Polly is here with Ann and I have a pizza for them.

I hope both of you are fine."

      Lots of love,

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