Sunday, May 18, 2014

June 16, 1962 The Sorensen's Last Entertaining, The Piano Won't Budge, Fun with the Organ and It Isn't So Easy Anymore


Dear Mother & Daddy,

"Tomorrow is Dad's Day.  I hope you have your package on time, Daddy, & that tomorrow will be a nice day for you both.  None of us can get going this morning.  Ann has been up but I'm the only one that's had breakfast yet. 

B plans to work at school a while today.  They are still terribly busy but he doesn't feel quite so pushed.  Our calendar keeps filling up and I guess we won't have much vacation by staying in Normal.

 The kids start summer school next week.  Bob's classes begin at 7:30 in the morning so we will have to get up early.  Maybe I'll get some of my walls washed.  They have both loafed this week and each one has had a friend over night.

We went to a dinner at Sorensen's one evening.  That probably will be their last entertaining in Normal.  They have sold their house and are very busy trying to work here & at Augustana, too.

Ann & I went to the dentist this week and she still doesn't have a single cavity.  I didn't have any new ones but have to go back to have them cleaned. 

We had the movers come to put the piano in the basement yesterday but they couldn't get it downstairs.  It is still in the living room.  They were here about 45 min. measuring & figuring but didn't really try to move it.  The head man said it just wouldn't go so we didn't insist they try.  They did say they might force it down but might tear up the stairs or damage the paneling and didn't want that.  We haven't decided what to do yet but I think we'll put it in the study when the organ is done.

B and Bob are having fun with the organ.  They do a little work on it every day but each part gets a little more complicated and takes longer to do.  I guess we'll have to have open house when it is done since there are so many people interested in it.  We ordered a walnut cabinet but don't expect it for a month.

B is going to take only 3 weeks vacation in July & the other week later so we may not get home till August sometime.  High school classes make a difference in taking the kids out of school for even a day or two.  It isn't so easy any more.  We had hoped to work out a different vacation this year but just couldn't.  Maybe we can next year.
Clipping in letter

Hope you both are fine."  

                           Lots of love,


NOTE:  I can't imagine that we thought even a baby grand piano would fit down the narrow basement stairs! 

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