Thursday, May 1, 2014

February 17, 1962 The Stitches, The Coin Collector, The Old Silk Suit and The Little Book on Japan

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"We are all fine this week, for a change.  It scares me every time I sneeze for fear we'll start all over again.  The children are all coming back to school now so most of it is over.  Ann's friend has the mumps and exposed the ones at school but that was when Ann was sick.  The little children are having chicken pox but we have had that.

Ann had a little bump taken off her leg last Saturday but it didn't amount to much.  The Dr. had the tissue analyzed and it was just a harmless little growth as he thought it was.  He always has anything like that sent to a lab.  He took the stitches out yesterday & gave them to Ann.  She has been showing them off--keeps them folded in a piece of gauze.

We all were invited out for supper Tuesday night.  The man is a coin collector so he and Bob had a good time.  He gave Bob a lot of pennies to fill in his coin folders.

I went to a luncheon Wed. & then to a Y.W.C.A. Valentine party that night.  Foreign students were the guests & the girls' idea was to show them what a Valentine party would be like in a school room.  It was very nice.  The girls had a fancy Valentine box & each person got a Valentine.

The Education Wives had a meeting Thursday afternoon.  We had a hat exchange but the hats weren't much to look at.  I want a new hat for spring but haven't looked for one yet.  The stores all have their spring things now, I guess because their winter sales are all over.  I was sick on Dollar Day so didn't get any bargains this year.

I've been shortening an old suit jacket & trying to make it wearable.  It is a silk suit I brought from Japan and the material is so nice I hate not to be able to use it.  It may not look fit to wear when I finish it but I'm going to try anyway.

It is snowing again and is real cold.  We have to take Ann to Springfield to play in the piano festival tomorrow.  We'll leave right after Sunday School for she has to be there at 12:45.  We'll probably be home before dark.  She says she isn't going anymore after this year but I'd like her to play in one more.

My little books on Japan came back.  The woman said they sounded stiff.  I don't know what she wants and am beginning to wonder if I could ever please her.  I may send it to another publisher but haven't decided yet.  I haven't heard about the plays.  One was a Christmas play & one was about UNICEF (about kids collecting money for UNICEF on Halloween).

I must stop & iron a blouse for Ann to wear tomorrow.  She wanted a new dress but I had no time to make one so she'll wear a skirt & blouse.

Hope you both are just fine.  Someone said they saw a robin last week but I think that robin got in a hurry.  It doesn't look a bit like spring."

                         Lots of love,


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