Sunday, April 20, 2014

December 17, 1961 The Christmas Tree, The Ice, The Snow and A Few Cookies

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"I wish you could see our Christmas tree.  It is the thickest and prettiest one we have ever had.  We got it last Sunday & the kids decorated it after lunch.  We divided the couch and put it right in front of the window.

We still have ice and snow but most walks are clear now and the middle of the street is clear.  It stays real cold.

The man finally came with our bookcases and mantle.  They really look nice & we're real happy with them.  Of course, they aren't painted yet and won't be for awhile.  Maybe I can do it after Christmas.  B has to drill some holes & run some wires before we can put the speakers on the shelves so they are still on the floor.  He hasn't had time for anything like that.

We have been to Larsen's three times this week to help with their Christmas coffees.  They didn't have as many this year as they usually do.  I'm going to a luncheon tomorrow, then to a tea, then to a dormitory party.  Ann has a piano class party, Bob has a basketball game & B is going to a dedication of a new foreign language laboratory.  Do you think we'll last all day?

Bob has gone to a school party tonight.  He really slicked up before he went.

Ladies Home Journal, Dec. 1961
Ann has been home the last two days with a sore throat but is pretty gay tonight so she's better.  We made a few cookies this morning and I'll make some more next week.

If the office closes at noon Friday we'll be home about 9:00 that night but if it doesn't close till Friday evening then we'll have to come Saturday.  I can't be anymore definite but if we find out in time I'll write a card.

We have our church Christmas supper on Sunday night.  I have to plan something to take for that & will have to find time tomorrow to do some grocery shopping.

I guess I'd better make a grocery list or I won't get what I have to have.

Hope you are both fine & hope to see you soon."

                               Lots of love,


NOTE:  This is the last letter of 1961.  Merry Christmas!  Thanks for reading another year and I hope to see you back in 1962 after a break of a few days.

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