Monday, March 31, 2014

July 1, 1961 A Few Days Off, The Blooming Locust, Mumps in the Typing Class and Some Fall Sewing

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"The kids have gone to band so things are quiet for a few minutes.  School will be closed till Wed. morning and B can hardly wait to have those few days off.  Bob goes to camp on Sunday and we'll probably just putter the time away and really do nothing.

I've been working on a sundress for Ann and it is all done but the buttonholes.  It is real cool again after two real scorchers that made everyone puff & pant.

We have our appointment with the dentist late this afternoon.  He made impressions of Bob's teeth on Monday & will tell us today what has to be done.  We all dread it for it will be a long ordeal--around two years, we think.  Bob doesn't say much but I know he dreads it.

Ann is fine again except for some sore fingers.  She was playing ball last night & the ball hit the ends of her fingers.  They are puffed up and I know they hurt.  Don't you remember how often I sprained my thumbs that way?

We went to the department picnic last night.  I guess we enjoyed it but it's more work than it's worth.  I took fried chicken & a green bean casserole plus our own tablecloth & dishes.  By the time you get it all there & then cleaned up after you get home, you've done a day's work.  I guess my age is showing but I'm still being bothered with school business and I'd like a little vacation from it.

My pink locust is blooming for the second time.  It doesn't have many blossoms but I wonder if it will die.  I've heard that trees do die sometimes when they bloom twice.  The bushes across the back are so thick now that we have more birds then we've ever had.  A catbird has been coming to the rosebush at the back door.  I never knew they could sing so pretty.  The honeysuckle berries are getting ripe and the birds like them.

Bob has been exposed to the mumps in typing class.  He has been exposed several times & never took them but if he does take them this time it will be about the time B's vacation begins.  Wouldn't that be great?  I really would hate for him to have them but we'll just have to wait & see.

Historic Catalogs,
We have a new Alden's Catalog & the Sears ones are ready but we haven't had a chance to go get it.  We haven't had any summer yet & it seems strange that the fall things will soon be in the stores.

I'd like to do some fall sewing this summer but have to do the cleaning first.  I called the Dean of Women at school to get a girl to help me but I guess I'm not going to get anyone yet.

There isn't much news to write so I guess I'll go pull a few weeds.  They are always ahead of me.

Don't shoot too many firecrackers on the Fourth.  I'm glad we aren't allowed to have the things."

               Lots of love,


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