Thursday, March 6, 2014

January 28, 1961 The Supper Party, The Cherry Thing, The Bahamas and The Old Doll

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"It is still terribly cold here but the sun shines most every day so it doesn't seem so bad until night.  Quill club met this week and I had to go to that but it is the only time I've had to be out after supper.

Helen Brown and I had a supper party for some women teachers on Tuesday night.  It was here so I spent most of Monday & Tuesday getting the house ready.  We had almost the same menu we had for the last luncheon and she did most of the cooking.  The ladies all seemed to have a good time.  We need to have another party but think we'll wait awhile.

We go to potluck tonight and I have to take dessert.  I made a cherry thing I found in an ad in the new Good Housekeeping.  It's a pie with cottage cheese & Dream Whip but I made it in a flat dish & will cut it in squares.

Bob has been home with a sore throat and cold for several days.  Now Ann has it but I hope I don't get it.

This is exam week so the next few weeks will be hectic until the new semester gets underway.

We think we'll take part of our vacation just before Easter this year and go with a group of students to Florida and the Bahama Islands.  It is a biology class that goes every year.  Last year the President and his family went and we have said we'd go this year.  We'll pay what the students do and it will be a wonderful trip.  Then we won't take a trip in the summer except to see you and the kids can go to summer school.  We don't know any details yet but we had to make up our minds so we could be included in reservations.  The students travel in a bus but we would drive to Florida in our own car and probably stop at places where they do.  Then we'd all go to the islands together.

I didn't even know Daddy was thinking about starting my tables till next Christmas so I hadn't even looked for stain.  He'd better stay out of that shop while we're having winter.  Cold germs seem to get tougher every year.  Did he ever find any Deft?

I must stop and get things straightened up a bit.  I'm going to a luncheon at 1:00 and it's almost 11:00.  I just hate Saturday parties but she has probably invited some teachers.

We got out the old doll one night and the kids saw it for the first time.  Ann was so thrilled but we put it away again.  The clothes are in shredds--just rotted to pieces and the leather hands are so rotten that they are cracking off at the wrists.  One of these days I'll have it fixed and make new clothes for it.  Then Ann can have it.

I must stop so hope you both are fine."

                          Lots of love,


NOTE:  For information about the doll:

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