Friday, March 7, 2014

February 4, 1961 The Heart Attack, The Fire and The Flu

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"This has been registration week so it has been a busy one as usual but there have been a lot of other things going on.  Watty has been sick for about three weeks and they said he had gastritis.  He had terrible pains and after they stopped the doctor decided to give him some tests.  They showed that he'd had a heart attack so he is in the hospital to rest now that it's all over.  He is allowed to sit up but I don't know how long they will keep him there.

Some other friends were burned out of their home Wednesday afternoon so we have all been helping them.  They were our neighbors too so we had their clothes in our basement until this morning.  He teaches at I.S.N.U.  so faculty people are helping them get settled into another house today.  They don't have much furniture or anything else left but people are offering things to them and I'm going to sort out children's clothes this afternoon.  People have been bringing things here because the three little girls lost almost all of their clothes.  It is a terrible thing to see someone's work and all their worldly possessions go up in smoke.  They kept 7 students too and they lost all of their clothes too.

Helen Brown has had the flu so I took their supper to them one night.  I did get my ironing done and that's about all I've done for our own family this week.

Ann had a piano workshop this morning but I didn't go with her.

B and I would be real happy to have the tables for our birthdays but we don't care when they are finished.  We haven't had a chance to look at finishes or Deft yet.  We couldn't get them home before summer anyway unless you planned to come to see us.

I'll probably have to take the old doll to a doll hospital but I think I could fix it if I could get the soft leather for the hands.  I want to make its clothes myself, though.

Aunt Cliffie needn't worry about the old watch.  Bob keeps it in a drawer and takes it out to look at it once in awhile but never takes it with him.

I haven't had time to even look at my play anymore.  There are so many things I have to do I keep shoving it back.  I went to a concert last Sunday.  Bob's teacher was singing and had given me a special invitation.  I felt like I had to go and I did enjoy it.

I must stop and get some things done so bye for now."

                            Lots of love,


NOTE:  The fire was especially traumatic for all the kids in the neighborhood.  After times of particular sadness, Bonnie would often say, "We all need some Red Skelton!" 


  1. Red Skelton is still one of my very favourite comedians. Would you believe there is a movie (Texas Carnival) on this afternoon starring Red Skelton :-)

  2. Hi! I hope you're watching the movie and having a good chuckle! Red Skelton seemed like the most gentle soul and so funny in such a simple way. Such good medicine:-)

    Thanks for writing. It's always nice to hear from you.

    We're still eating fruitcake:-)


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