Thursday, January 9, 2014

February 28, 1960 The Late Letter, The Flu, The Pillows and The Terrible Weather

Life, Jan. 11, 1960

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"My letter is late and I hope you aren't worried about us.  We are all much better and went to Sunday School today.  B didn't take the flu but has a cold and coughs a lot. 

The kids are fine and I'm all right except for an aching arm and that seems to go with this stuff.  But it gets better all the time.  Yesterday was the first day I'd been able to really do much of anything although I have done a little ironing this week.  A little at a time didn't bother me.   I simply had to sweep yesterday morning and then I went to a luncheon.  I hadn't been out of the house in two weeks so I really enjoyed it.  I rested a little after I got home and then we went to Sorensen's for a potluck supper.  It was a pretty big day but I was sitting almost all of the time so I'm not too tired today.

Thanks for the nice birthday card and the money.  One of the stores in Bloomington had pillows on sale one day but of course I couldn't go see about them.  Maybe they will still have some.  I haven't even had time to clip threads off the couch or turn the cushions.  We got an extra piece of upholstery to make arm covers but I haven't got them made either.

As you have heard, we have been having terrible weather.  Snow is piled everywhere, public schools have been closed and it has been a mess.  It is thawing but not real fast.  I guess your weather has been a lot like ours.

This is not much of a letter but there isn't anything to write.  Ann is washing her hair and Bob has gone to Bruce's to play.  His room had planned a sledding party but had to cancel it when the weather go so bad.  They were disappointed but I felt relieved because they were going way out in the country.

Take care of yourselves especially if you get the flu for it sure can take you down.  Just hope neither of you will get it."

                     Lots of love,


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