Sunday, September 8, 2013

November 9, 1957 Eating the Jack-O-Lantern, Cake for 2,000, The Split Chin and A Letter

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"Come over for supper.  I just put three pumpkin pies in the oven.  We are still trying to eat up the jack-o-lantern & I gave a lot of it to the neighbors.

The basement is full of kids.  There was a football game but they didn't want to go because it is so cold.  The sun is pretty but it is below freezing.  It snowed off and on all day yesterday but not enough to coat anything.  The yellow mums back of the house are still trying to bloom.  They are protected there and have been nipped a bit but not badly.  I went to a nursery last Sunday and bought three real nice mum plants for $1.00.  They were closing them out and I got a pale pink, a yellow and an apricot.  It was raining but I got them out anyway.

We went to a program at school Monday night.  I managed to get some sewing done this week, too.  I made Ann a gown and did some mending.  She wanted pajamas but when I went to cut them out I didn't have enough material.  She was disgusted about it until the gown was finished.  Then she thought it was plenty nice.

Our penny supper was Thursday so I had to go to school Monday to check and see if every mother in Ann's room had sent word what food she'd donate.  I had to call three & they were sending theirs at noon so that was easy.  I made two cakes for it on Wednesday but waited till Thursday to frost them.   I helped serve salads that night and by the time everyone went thru the line there wasn't anything left but cake & coffee.  We served about 2,000 people.  I don't know how much we made.

I hope Daddy's face is better.  I guess he was lucky he didn't get hit in the eye but he must really take care of it.  Phyllis's husband had an accident a lot like that last year.  A wedge flew out of a stump he was splitting & hit him in the mouth.  It knocked a lot of teeth out and split his chin open.  He hardly has a scar now.

Ann took the rest of my paper & wouldn't let me write on it.  We are going to Watterson's for supper so I'd better clean up."

                                     Lots of love,



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