Saturday, September 21, 2013

February 11, 1958 The Wonderful Sun, Paste for Breakfast, A Meeting in Ottawa and A Real Surprise

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"The sun is wonderful today but it's terribly cold.  It hasn't been warm enough to thaw the snow in weeks so we still have lots of it.

Ann's group at school cooked their breakfast yesterday so she wanted to get breakfast for us today.  She got up & had the oatmeal cooked when I got up.  It was a pretty good job but Bob said it tasted like paste and it did.  Anyway, she tried.

There is a valentine party at Sunday School today & I have to make some cookies for them.

The upstairs is about done.  It looks so nice but we aren't going to let the kids move up until we finish the wood.  The men set one of the chests in wrong and I asked them to take it out so they wasted a half day but I wanted it done right.  They were real nice about it and it certainly looks better now.

I'm so sorry about Nobel's arm.  The seem to have the worst luck.  Where is it broken and how bad?  I don't see how he can do much work.

We are all fine.  I still cough a little but probably will until warm weather comes.  I didn't really have the flu--just my throat.

B went to Ottawa, Ill. to be teachers' meeting yesterday.  Two other from I.S.N.U. went too so they all rode together.

We had a real surprise last Saturday.  Some of our missionary friends from Japan called from Springfield.  They were on their way to Ohio from Oregon.  They are the ones with three adopted children--one a little girl that's half Japanese.  They got here Saturday night and stayed until after dinner on Sunday.  We all had a wonderful time.  The kids began to remember one another again and they really had fun together.  All of us talked as hard as we could.

I guess I'd better get to work on those cookies or Ann won't have them to take to the party.

Hope you're both fine."

                  Lots of love,


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